Community Spotlight: Rumbling Tanks, Infinity Heroes & Malifaux Machinations

August 14, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


20mm World War II by piers

Leading the way for this week, we're having a look at what piers has been doing when it comes to expanding his World War II 20mm collection for use in Battlegroup. Some of the most recent painting has covered the desert British as well as those fighting in Normandy.

20mm World War 2 #1 by piers

As always, the work from piers is fantastic and I seeing what he has been tinkering with on his painting table of late. The detail worked into the miniatures is fantastic and I always like the added battle damage and filth that gets added into the mix as well. The jeep (above) is particularly nice and I enjoy seeing all of the detail in the uniforms as well.

20mm World War 2 #2 by piers

Normandy is also catered for with a selection of new miniatures joining the British as they slog through the mud rather than the sand. Some new Churchill tanks were painted up recently and, once again, they are looking fantastic. I like all of the dirt and grime stuck around the tracks and again, some great work on the commanding officer.

20mm World War 2 #3 by piers

If you have a passing interest in World War II, I would go and have a look at what piers has been doing as part of his project. There is a wealth of World War II painting in there that will get you thinking about starting a new army I don't doubt. I have been very tempted by the Desert War now I've seen so many people painting miniatures for it.

klorophil Badge

Infinity by klorophil

Next up, we're looking at something entirely different as klorophil has been getting a miniature painted up to submit as part of the Infinity Painting Contest that is currently ongoing. They wanted to dive in and slay the grey so had a pop at some of the miniatures including the Lasiq.

Infinity Lasiq #1 by klorophil

A couple of entries are planned for the painting contest including the Lasiq above. Considering that klorophil was ready to throw in the towel and sell some of the pile of potential, this seems to have dragged them back in. I like the work on the Lasiq and it really shows off how intriguing Haqqislam are to paint.

Infinity Lasiq #2 by klorophil

I always like seeing the militaristic edge to the Haqqislam in their paint schemes, getting across that desert vibe whilst also showcasing various Sci-Fi elements nicely as well. It makes them an intriguing prospect to paint and every single one of them feels like a character in their own right.

Infinity Lasiq #3 by klorophil

The Lasiq is now done and apparently the Tafang Triphammer is up next from the TAG Raid game. It will be great to see how that miniature turns out and we hope that you do well in the painting contest.


Malifaux Battle Reports by daemonish

Last but not least, we're diving into something of a marathon rather than a sprint. daemonish has always liked Malifaux and wanted to get stuck into the Malifauk UK National Championship. The problem was that they'd only ever played one demo game.

Malifaux #1 by daemonish

With that in mind, daemonish has been getting stuck into a whole bunch of practice games so they get used to their faction and how others play so they are fully prepared for what awaits them when they get to the tournament itself. What follows is an awesome project packed with great photography, interesting insights and some fun tips and ideas for you if you were considering giving Malifaux a go yourself.

Malifaux #2 by daemonish

I have read through about half of daemonish's project and it reminds me why I always liked playing Malifaux back in the day. There is plenty of space for back-and-forth and intriguing plays. It also features such a suite of different characters and such that you need to really keep your wits about you!

Malifaux #3 by daemonish

Make sure to dive in and share your thoughts with daemonish in the project. If you're a bit savvy with ol' Malifaux then maybe share some hints and tips so they can be fully prepared for that tournament!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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