Community Spotlight: Mad Orc Racers, Undead Dinosaurs & Smegheads!

April 10, 2019 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Megatrakk Skrapjet by 144artist

The first project we're going to be looking at comes from 144artist. We were very happy to see this pop up last week on the Hobby Hangout and we just had to give a golden button to him for the work that went into the finished project.

Megatrakk Skrapjet #1 by 144artist

This has been through a lot of tinkering and such to get to this stage and I think that the final article is looking very awesome indeed. There has been a lot of work put into making this look like a crazy piece of kit, especially with all of the nice bright colours daubed over the chassis.

Megatrakk Skrapjet #2 by 144artist

You can tell that this Ork really loves his contraption. The metallics and darker tones on the tyres and tracks are very impressive, as is the work on the big tubes that fuel the engine of this insane machine.

I also particularly liked the extra detail work that went into the cockpit section of the vehicle which you can see here. Little details like this push a miniature to the next level and help to build up the character for the piece.

Megatrakk Skrapjet #3 by 144artist

There are lots more images of this insane contraption for you to view on the link above but this gives you a great idea of the overall concept. Hats off to 144artist for putting in the work to get a big vehicle like this ready for the gaming table as painting vehicles is hard work!

Zombie T-Rex by ghostbear

Next up we're looking at the work of ghostbear who has been doing an amazing job bringing this Undead T-Rex to life for use in all sorts of Fantasy skirmish games out there. I mean seriously, check out this decaying creature from prehistory!

Zombie T-Rex #1 by ghostbear

I love that the effect that ghostbear went for here was one that made it look like it had almost mummified. Maybe someone went out of their way to draw this monstrous creature out from a crypt somewhere and now has it doing their bidding. The way that he's managed to get the skin looking great alongside the rotting flesh inside is awesome. The touch of adding that glaring yellow eye is great too and gives the monster an eerie quality.

Zombie T-Rex #2 by ghostbear

I also think that the work on the base, giving it a bright and colourful appearance, really helps to frame the monster. The abundance of life on the base is a good contrast to the dead (and probably loving it) T-Rex. I like that he avoided coating it in blood as well since I reckon that would have detracted from the overall finish.

A fantastic new monster to add into his Fantasy army!

Red Dwarf Crew by darkdanegan

Last but not least we're going to be calling people smegheads all day thanks to this neat project by darkdanegan.

Red Dwarf Crew by darkdanegan

He was able to dig out this crew of 'Not Red Dwarf' figures from Nexus for use in a game of Core Space. He did point out that the casts for these were very poor but I think that the painting here has saved these miniatures, giving them loads of character. I think this would make for an awesome alternative crew to use in the game and you'd have the excuse of being able to just keep playing the theme tune each time they entered the game.

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Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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