Community Spotlight: Moonstone Heroes, A Wizard’s Folly & Pirates Of Legend

August 16, 2023 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Moonstone by irishsteve

We start off this week with a visit to what irishsteve has been up to within the world of Moonstone. Some more amazing painting for an exceptional range of miniatures. We start with Eric The Enlightened.

Moonstone August #1 by irishsteve

The painting here is wonderful and I love all the work that has gone into the fur texture here in order to bring Eric's mount to life. The deep green armour for Eric is also gorgeous and works really nicely with The Green Knight vibe that the miniature gives off. There is a really awesome nature and folklore vibe to the miniature which has been enhanced by the painting here. Also, that base is wonderful!

Switching things up a bit, we have the equally awesome miniature for Drunken Fritz. Whilst the previous miniature has plenty of natural tones to it, this one here is a bit more gaudy. It works very well of course considering the miniature and the vibe that he is giving off. That is a frosty looking beer for example!

Moonstone August #2 by irishsteve

The mix of the red and the yellow works very well here and the non-metallic metals serve as a good cold note next to the warmth of the miniature. So much detail has been worked into the face here as well from the ruddy drunken features to those shining teeth!

Last but not least, we have Boulder The Troll who returns us to the natural world beyond the bounds of civilisation. I really love how much work irishsteve puts into the faces of their miniatures, properly bringing out the character of each one and making them pretty irresistible as miniatures!

Moonstone August #3 by irishsteve

If you'd like to see more of these miniatures then you can head on over to the project and dive in. There are loads of different perspectives on these miniatures so you get the Lloyd shots and more. Hopefully, these miniatures will end up getting people inspired to work on more Moonstone of their own. More Moonstone painting is on the way and it's all the fault of that devil, Gerry!


Wizard's Folly by demonsub

Next up, we're having a look at a wonderful piece of Fantasy terrain from demonsub. I am always enamoured by people's work on terrain and this piece is no different. demonsub has done a wonderful job on this Wizard's Folly from Northumbrian Tin Soldier that is going to be dropped into a few Fantasy wargames.

The Wizards Folly #1 by demonsub

The tower is a wonderful resin kit that can be built up in different layers so that you can show it in various states of disrepair. I would imagine that this also makes it a little bit easier to paint as well. The tower was finished with a lot of drybrushing and a neat use of washes in order to make it pop. I think the finished product looks very grounded and a solid addition to a Fantasy tabletop.

The Wizards Folly #2 by demonsub

I really like the added attention to detail that has been worked into the vegetation here, really making it pop. It would be easy to just leave that a dark colour but I think the verdant green is exceptionally eye-catching and helps to cement that Fantasy vibe. It feels like it has been enriched by magic, especially with those bright, poppy flowers plopped here and there.

I also like that demonsub has put together a nice snapshot of the various layers on that you can explore with the terrain. Even those wooden beams and ladders look great and sell a proper High Fantasy vibe.

The Wizards Folly #3 by demonsub

When you get terrain like this, it's very hard not to want to dive in and play out some adventures on it. Everyone needs at least one of these in their collection so you can have a proper running battle up those rickety stairs. I also have to say, the big blue roof looks very cool and would make it a good match for a game like Moonstone. Bright and poppy with plenty of whimsy!


Pirates Of Legend by bobcockayne

Last but not least, we're taking a trip to the Golden Age Of Piracy with bobcockayne who has been working on some Pirates Of Legend. Some great characters from the Firelock Games collection were painted up recently.

Pirates Of Legend #1 by bobcockayne

This first batch of characters include Anne Bonney, Anari Rodriguez Felipe, Calico Jack Rackham, Black Ceaser and Bartholomew Roberts, giving you a great look at the different pirates you might end up using for various crews. I really like the colour choices for these miniatures, especially for Anari Rodriguez Felipe and Bartholomew Roberts. They are properly flashy, quite befitting of pirates of the age.

Pirates Of Legend #2 by bobcockayne

As well as the miniatures that you see here, ready to lead Blood & Plunder crews, there are also some miniatures that came from Black Scorpion Miniatures. These look like they match up very well and help add a nice bit of extra fun to bobcockayne's piratical adventures. An Assassin's Creed type fellow has joined the adventure alongside a British Seasoned Royal Naval Captain.

Pirates Of Legend #3 by bobcockayne

Again, I really like the painting on the fellow on the right. I like that special attention has been given to the trim around this fellow's uniform. The Assassin also looks like a great swashbuckler and a solid option for a fun scenario or two. Maybe one crew or the other will find themselves trying to stop him from getting to their very important person!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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