Community Spotlight: Happy Hobbits, Armoured Clash & Epic-Scale Star Wars!

October 16, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We'll be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


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Hobbiton Display by markgreentree

We start off with a project that caught my eye and that I might be a little obsessed with. See what you make of this gorgeous Hobbiton display that was put together by markgreentree. As someone who likes the quiet and idyllic nature of The Shire, this spoke to me on many levels.

Hobbiton Display #1 by MarkGreentree

The display started off with a bunch of 3D printable components for the fronts of the Hobbit houses as well as plenty of foam as you can see. A tree got a little bit of extra love but then as the project continued, it was built up into a very impressive display that feels super homely.

Hobbiton Display #2 by MarkGreentree

As you can see, even during the final steps of the build and paint, the display started to get lots of little extra detail here and there. You've got the fishes in the river, the accurately sized paths for the Hobbits to walk down and so many flowers. So many flowers! From clay through to lots of flock, this has been a lovely little project to see documented over on the project system and the final result is rather stunning.

Hobbiton Display #3 by MarkGreentree

The entire project also features a nerve-wracking resin pour for the river that you can see at the front but I think it all worked very well indeed. A few nice trees finished the look in the background of the display and from then, Hobbiton and The Shire came to life. I appreciate the amount of colour on show and how the display feels lived in. I hope this works as a wonderful display piece to show off Hobbits for many years to come.


Armoured Clash by elmir

Next up, we're looking at what elmir has been painting for Armoured Clash. As folks will know, elmir is quite a fan of the Dystopian Age and so they have had some fun getting brush to miniature on the new 10mm range from Warcradle Studios.

Armoured Clash #1 by elmir

The attention to detail is, as always, stunning from elmir and it's amazing how much they are able to get out of these miniatures. The uniforms look brilliant and I like the fact that you can pick out the infantry from their lovely helmets. I think the basing is also very apt and doesn't swamp the miniatures. It works very well indeed as a frame.

Armoured Clash #2 by elmir

Vallejo Express Paints did a lot of the heavy lifting on these miniatures it seems but then all of the gold trim made it so elmir went in very carefully indeed. I love that elmir has also done the sheen on the goggles for the Crown Spitfires above.

A vehicle also made it into the mix for this first crop of painted Armoured Clash miniatures.

Armoured Clash #3 by elmir

Closer to what elmir has done in the past, the work done on the Dystopian Wars range has come in handy when bringing these miniatures to life. Once again, the attention to detail is beyond comprehension; look at the lens and all of the decorative elements. I also like that elmir has done battle damage for the vehicle so you can see that it has been powering across a battlefield for a while. We can't wait to see more.


Epic Star Wars by denzien

Last but not least, we're sticking with epic-scale battles but moving from the Steampunk of the Dystopian Age to a galaxy far, far away. Inspired by the 6mm sculpts by Skullforge that are designed to sit alongside the X-Wing range, denzien decided to start building up full armies and even a tabletop for playing out Star Wars in 6mm.

6mm Epic Star Wars #1 by denzien

The Stormtroopers seem like a good place to start and even at this tiny scale, you can tell what they are. The little splash of white followed by flecks of black are all you need to make them look like Stormtroopers. Once you see them all ganged together, you get the full impressive look of this Empire force.

6mm Epic Star Wars #2 by denzien

The setting for at least the first epic-scale battle seems to be Scarif and denzien has been no slouch when it comes to bringing that world to life as well. Terrain and some big, warm beaches are coming together nicely. I still wouldn't go there on holiday though considering all the explosions.

6mm Epic Star Wars #3 by denzien

This is a brilliant project and it's still in the process of growing and evolving. You'll note some of the terrain has been finished but there are also some vehicles popping up amongst the collection as well. The Skullforge range isn't extensive so if there are any ideas where denzien can get more 6mm miniatures, please let them know in the comments.

Additionally, if you have some ideas on what game denzien could use to run epic Star Wars, drop that into the comments as well!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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