Community Spotlight: Dystopian Wars, World War Gobbos & Sneaky Skaven

August 7, 2024 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Dystopian Wars by miniaturebrushworks

Leading the way for today, we have some work by miniaturebrushworks who has been tinkering away on some awesome vessels for Dystopian Wars and the Alliance. The Alliance project began earlier in the year and the painting is fantastic. The attention to detail is top notch and I really like the work on the metallic sections of the ships which feels particularly French.

Dystopian Wars #1 by miniaturebrushwork

The Alliance fleet has expanded since that initial starter set and now features a whole bunch of awesome vessels. The work going into the scrollwork and embellishments on the hulls is really well done and I like how it sticks out against the darker hulls. I think the switch in metallics helps as well to draw the eye to particular elements of each ship.

You've also got those wonderful little flags which are cut from yoghurt lids and then attached to broom bristles. An awesome touch that helps sell the fleet. As well as the Alliance, miniaturebrushwork has also been working on their Commonwealth fleet.

Dystopian Wars #3 by miniaturebrushwork

The idea here was to go dark and menacing in contrast to the brighter colours of the Alliance. I think the finished scheme looks awesome and sells a militaristic vibe. It helps them stand apart from the more flamboyant Alliance and the French.

thebelon Badge

World War Goblins by thebelon

Next up, we're having a look at some of the work that thebelon has been doing as they drift around the hobbysphere. They were recently intrigued by the idea of playing some 02 Hundred Hours and so dived into their bitz box and started working on some miniatures for the game. I think something might have gone a little odd with them though...

World War Goblins #1 by thebelon

This crew of misfits are a mixture of Bolt Action bits as well as a few heads from the likes of Warhammer and Kings Of War. We've seen some fun Fantasy World War miniatures in the past from different companies so this isn't out of the ordinary. I think it works really well and I could see some sneaky Goblins and Orcs being sent behind enemy lines.

World War Goblins #2 by thebelon

The set of miniatures features a sneaky captain alongside a band of fellow greenskins who have been given a variety of weapons and told to go and cause chaos. I think the miniatures look great and there is a bit of work-in-progress as part of the project you can check out above.

World War Goblins #3 by thebelon

I suppose these Goblins need a foe to fight now. I wonder who these Allies could go up against? Dwarves as Germans or maybe stinky Elves? I hope that this project turns into something more but even if it doesn't, it's an excellent distraction.


Skaven by tuffyears

Last but not least, we're taking a look at tuffyears who has been powering their way through potentially the tougher side of the Skaventide boxed set. tuffyears has been doing an excellent job on the Skaven from the set and doing a grand job with the application of Contrast paints.

Skaven #1 by tuffyears

I think this might be the way that I go when it comes to Skaven. I like the fact that the Contrast paint will allow you to blend the colours nicely across the miniature and, with the addition of a bit of Slapchopping, you could easily get your Skaven looking good in no time. The leathers also work very well and I think the bright, poppy green helps to sell the miniatures.

Skaven #2 by tuffyears

This comes across on the Rat Ogors as well, especially with the addition of the flowing warp energy through the skin of these creatures. It will be interesting to see what tuffyears does with the basing for these miniatures. I think something bright might work, perhaps like grey city streets. Either way, it's good to see the miniatures coming together so quickly.

I also really liked the two colour choices for the different regiments of Clan Rats.

Skaven #3 by tuffyears

The yellow and red works really well and I think it's a good way of breaking up the see of brown and grey that you get with the miniatures. The half-flags is a nice touch and I think it gives you the feel of a classic Warhammer regiment which is cool. A solid option for those intrigued by the idea of building a Skaven army.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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