Community Spotlight: Darktide Miscreants, Kings Of War Ratkin & The Red Sabre!

October 23, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We'll be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


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Darktide by somegeezer

We start off this week's Community Spotlight with a look at what somegeezer has been doing when it comes to the Darktide board game. I love seeing these smaller games getting painted up and this is no different. somegeezer has done a great job on these miniatures from a board game of a video game of a tabletop game.

Darktide #1 by somegeezer

somegeezer has been working on these miniatures for a little while now and it started out with just the enemies. Now the "heroes" have got some paint on them and I really like the grimdark look of the schemes. The dark colours work really well alongside the paler look of the skin which really makes the miniatures pop. The chunkier highlights also work well and the basing is on point as a frame for the miniatures.

Darktide #2 by somegeezer

As well as the characters, the deadly forces of Chaos have also been painted up and they are also looking great. Again, the darker scheme works really well for getting across the Darktide vibe and I particularly like the spot colour of red that helps to draw the eye. The little addition of heat damage to the end of the flamer is a good touch.

Darktide #3 by somegeezer

Finally, we have these Poxwalkers which look suitably gross! The purple is a good way of shading the skin and making it look strained and disgusting. Add in the pulsing pustules and you've got a great set of miniatures for use in the board game of the video game of the tabletop game. Make sure to check out more of the images from the project that go into detail on bringing them to life. Now we just need to see some gameplay!


Kings Of War Ratkin by greyhunterlp

Next up, we're heading to the world of Pannithor and some great Ratkin for Kings Of War. This is a fantastic mix of different miniatures and a project that brings together elements of 3D modelling as well as plenty of custom bases. The final look of the army is great.

Kings Of War Ratkin #1 - greyhunterlp

The miniatures are a mixture of different ones from Mantic Games but there are also some great kitbashes in here as well. The awesome bit of the project is the addition of those custom bases however which show the Ratkin surging through a built-up area and storming the walls of some city in Pannithor.

Kings Of War Ratkin #2 - greyhunterlp

There is a good breakdown of the different units in the project and now it has most assuredly been proven that greyhunterlp actually did bring this army to life. The providence has been proven! I really like the paint scheme as well which goes with that ace rusty yellow to really make the miniatures pop.

Kings Of War Ratkin #3 - greyhunterlp

This also shows off just how much fun you can have with a Kings Of War army. The fact that each unit is its own little diorama that just needs to be a certain size means you can have a lot of fun. You can tell some fascinating stories with the armies that you build for the game and greyhunterlp has done a great job as you can see here.


The Red Sabre by elysium64

Last but not least, we're going on a bit of an adventure with elysium64 who has been working on a new project inspired by their love of Pulp adventures but also The Silver Bayonet. The Red Sabre is a project that uses The Silver Bayonet as the basis for some classic Boy's Own-style adventures through Central Asia whilst also introducing some Cthulhu-esque hijinks.

The Red Sabre #1 by elysium64

The miniatures have come from the esteemed hand of Mark Copplestone for the most part and there are plenty of interesting miniatures here that bring together the Historical and the Pulp but in a different way. You tend to think of these Pulp adventures taking place in Africa and Europe as well as the streets of Arkham but this takes the fighting to an entirely different continent with a unique vibe.

The Red Sabre #2 by elysium64

The project has slowly been growing with all manner of interesting units joined by a variety of Pulp heroes and heroines as you can see above. As well as the different characters, terrain and more have come together for this passion project. I really like it when people take a game and make it their own and elysium64 has done just that.

The Red Sabre #3 by elysium64

As well as taking a bunch of fascinating miniatures and bringing them together for this new adventure, elysium64 is also working on adapting the rules to bring in more miniatures as well. As has been pointed out in the project, "Beyond the Empire" and "Setting The East Ablaze" are going to be part of this project as well as the adapted The Silver Bayonet. I can't wait to see where this goes.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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