Community Spotlight: Boarding Actions, Realms Of Chaos & Tiny Crusaders

August 28, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Boarding Actions by biggrim

We start this week with a look at what biggrim has been doing. biggrim has been plugging away valiantly at this set of Boarding Actions terrain for use in this tight and deadly game set within the Warhammer 40,000 universe. I have been following this project for a while and it's great to see that the terrain has now been fully painted and finds itself being used in plenty of battles.

Boarding Actions Terrain #1 by biggrim

Boarding Actions seems like a game that is a lot of fun but there is a lot of work that needs to be done before you can dive in and start playing the game. In this project, biggrim talked through the steps that went into preparing the terrain, getting those different layers of paint down and finalising it all for use in their friendly local gaming store, The Pop Ship in Elgin, Moray, Scotland. We will have to visit them sometime.

This is a proper labour of love from biggrim and it was great seeing how the terrain came to life. there are a lot of wall sections, doors and all sorts that need to be painted and a lot of it can be quite similar so I imagine it might have become a bit taxing at times! It's nice to see that biggrim used lots of different techniques to make the terrain look fun and interesting rather than relying on drybrushing everything metal like I would have done, leaving it at that!

Boarding Actions Terrain #2 by biggrim

The finished terrain looks great and I think all of the colours really help to make the terrain pop. Using techniques like hazard stripes and such on the terrain is another great idea and there are some fun sneaky tricks in the project for those who want to achieve this technique but don't want to do any painting.

Boarding Actions Terrain #3 by biggrim

What's even cooler is that biggrim isn't going to be stopping there. Two more big sets of terrain are going to get painted up for even more Boarding Actions games. Green seems to be the focal colour of the next set and I can't wait to see where biggrim goes with different techniques in the future. You might have just inspired me to try and crack on through the painting of terrain for Boarding Actions myself so I can give the game a go.


Realms Of Chaos by warbossd

Next up, we're heading back in time with warbossd. Dipping back into the Realm Of Chaos campaign books from 1988, warbossd has been inspired to get stuck into building a warband of warriors and unleashing them on the tabletop against other suitably evil warriors to see who can catch the eye of the Dark Gods.

Realms Of Chaos #1 by warbossd

warbossd has been using a mix of different miniatures from Mantic Games and beyond in order to craft this warband using the various tables presented in the book. As you can see, this Abyssal Dwarf has made a good Campion for the warband and that is one impressive snapping maw.

What's quite nice about warbossd adventure is that it dives back into what made a lot of Oldhammer games so fun. They were packed with narrative and storytelling where you could really make the game your own. It reminds me of why I loved the old Path To Glory rules that came out in a White Dwarf way back when. The new version of the game is also great but it's missing some of the original charm.

warbossd then dove in and started raiding their collection for some miniatures that would be appropriate for use in the warband.

Realms Of Chaos #2 by warbossd

Some more grim Mantic Games Dwarfs made the cut alongside that demonic leader above as well as some classic Warhammer Fantasy Battles Beastmen. A bit of kitbashing and converting joined some regular miniatures to form an impressive-looking warband to start off this campaign.

Realms Of Chaos #3 by warbossd

It's been great following the project so far and seeing where warbossd is going to be starting things off as they dive deeper into the Realm Of Chaos. Make sure to check out the initial post for more information on the warband building process, the kitbashing and the painting.


Tiny Crusades by firelock22

Last but not least, we have a tiny crusade from firelock22. Using Lion Rampant as the game and some great 6mm Baccus miniatures, firelock22 has been painting up a Kingdom Of Heaven-themed force for use on the tabletop. There are more than three fellows here so it's definitely a crusade of note.

Crusaders #1 by firelock22

Inspired by Ridley Scott's Kingdom Of Heaven, firelock22 painted up his Leper King and his bodyguard to match the character from the film. firelock22 has also talked about looking at giving him some negative leadership traits which could mimic the way his other commanders see him due to his illness.

The rest of a twenty-four-point warband has now been finished in 6mm and it looks rather awesome indeed. The warband is made up of a solid core of infantry, backed up by some cavalry miniatures for good measure. A solid Medieval force.

Crusaders #2 by firelock22

The units have also been designed so they work within the gameplay of Lion Rampant and bases can be removed as a reminder to roll half as many dice. Additionally, all the banners were hand painted and then PVA glued to the poles. This is all apart from the ones on the knights which came sculpted on.

Crusaders #3 by firelock22

This little force looks awesome and if that's all you need for a solid first few games of Lion Rampant, I am very intrigued. A tiny warband should paint up nice and quickly and get you gaming on the coffee table before you know it.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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