Community Spotlight: Ancient Greeks, Bookish Antics & Mars Attacks!

September 11, 2024 by avernos

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

From The Vaulted Realm Of Pluto by horati0nosebl0wer

We start this week with a look at a force of Greek mythical monsters inspired by the classic Ray Harryhausen masterpiece Jason and the Argonauts. Horati0noseblower has scoured the internet to scratch his stop motion itch and as you can see he has been helped along by finding such models as the King Aeëtes of Colchis stand-in from the Wahlud Gams Children of the Hydra boxset.

Horati0 has done a fantastic job throughout this project so far, both in finding miniatures that represent the various adversaries that Jason and his dwindling crew have to face up, and then painting them up to try and match the film in glorious technicolour. The paint job on King Aeëtes of Colchis is excellent as you can see from the photos in the project itself, but where is a necromancer without his Skellybobs?

The undead look great with a heavy patina building up on the shields masking the transfers although if Mister Noseblower is paying attention I do have one small criticism and that's the shiny silver spearheads. I think with the shields being weathered we should really have a touch of rust on those spearheads as well. The unit does look great though even if they are a mindless horde who will immediately fall over as soon as they're looked at.

Talos is a magnificent figure and by going with the Mierce Miniatures version it really does look like the massive statue that Jason had to skirt around. The weathering again on this figure is fantastic, it's incredibly well done using pigments through an airbrush, which is something I've not tried but I'm now curious to give it a whirl as it has come up with a beautiful texture on it.

About Books And Such by lonkelo

lonkelo likes books and miniatures, I like books and miniatures, why not combine these two loves he suggests and I honestly can't think of a reason why we shouldn't. In this case, it's the answer to the question of storage for wargaming and ease of access and he has come up with an ingenious solution to it for his flats.

lonkelo had previously decided to try Napoleonics which is something that comes to us all in later years, and he chose to try out Peter's Paper Boys as a low-cost introduction to it. Storage for these fragile pieces is more problematic than regular miniatures because while they're cheap to replace there is a certain time sink in making them. To this end he has used a mixture of the old and new techniques to protect his miniature armies.

"Shelf" inserts that the army slid into and stacked vertically were all 3D-designed by lonkelo in Tinkercad along with an embossing stamp, which shows a technical skillset that I appreciate but have no desire to learn. These have then been magnetised so while the storage is currently holding the tiny Naps in the future the inside may change to whatever he requires.

The other side of the build is a touch of bookbinding and old-school cardboard and glue being splashed around is something I'm far more comfortable with and it is a great tutorial that shows the process warts and all. Yes, the end result looks great but was it all peaches and cream? well, no it wasn't and it's nice to see someone stumble and pick themselves up Batman-style. It's the flaws and mistakes/missteps that show we can all tackle something like this and you don't always get it right first time around.

Draconis Does... Mars Attacks by Guess Who?

Our final project to look at this week is AK Ak Akk AAaakk...*coughs* I mean our last project this week is from Draconis and this is both a showcase and a tease. He has been returning to the old Mantic game of Mars Attacks which was based on the first edition of Deadzone to finish off some of the expansions and the core set.

I always love Draconis' projects because they tend to be well defined, extensive, and remarkably..they get finished! The reason I've jumped in early for this one is that there is a threat that he may sell on some of his figures and so I won't get to see it all done and dusted and I can't have that. The models are older boardgame plastics and while they don't have the finish that the Walking Dead have Draconis has shown that a good paint job really elevates them.

The heroes were painted by a friend and look terrific but Draconis has popped them back on the painting table to base them to match the rest of his miniatures with a very simple but effective street basing. As he says in the project this isn't post-apocalyptic it's during the apocalypse and so they can be fairly simple and clean. The addition of road markings along with some scattered leaves show what can be achieved with a simple scheme.

Even the tokens in Mars Attacks get the opportunity to shine, whether it's Granny and the other civilians to be protected or obliterated, or the herd of flaming cows to be avoided they look so much better than a cardboard chit and for a game like Mars Attacks I think it's key to put a face to the collateral damage to give the soldiers some incentive to keep on fighting for the grand ole US of A.

What a flaming bit of nonsense that is! I hope that they are able to moo-ve on from this terrible accident.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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