Community Spotlight: American Civil War Battles, Halflings At War & BattleTech!

July 24, 2024 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


American Civil War Battles by glenn92

We start with a dive into the American Civil War. glenn92 put together a project showcasing the large Perry Miniatures' American Civil War miniatures that they had in their collection and the yearning to get stuck into some battles. Thankfully, they have been able to play out some games and they look glorious. Take note Shay!

American Civil War Battles #1 by glenn92

Black Powder is being used as the game of choice and so glenn92 had been planning some practice games as well as a date for playing out some big battles on the tabletop. Kernstown set the scene as the practice game and then from there, glenn92 dove right into some big battles.

American Civil War Battles #2 by glenn92

I like the idea that a Historical re-fight was the basis of the practice game as that means that you've almost got set forces and you can try and focus the game around the events that happened in real life. Some fun was had and it also laid the groundwork for them to learn what they needed to be playing out some big games.

American Civil War Battles #3 by glenn92

The Confederates and the Union then clashed again in a bigger battle and it seems like it came together into quite the spectacle. I really like the detail added to the battlefields when setting them up and there's something impressive about those ranks and ranks of 28mm soldiers marching towards each other.

It feels like glenn92 has had plenty of fun with the American Civil War period and that army is seeing some time on the tabletop. Hopefully, more games come to the project over the course of the next few months.


Halflings At War by ugleb

Next up, we're swapping Historical wargaming for Fantasy wargaming. The Halflings are ugleb's army of choice and they have been doing a superb bit of painting on these armies. The colour choices and the way they have built up the regiments look fantastic.

Kings Of War Halflings #1 by ugleb

This Wild Saucery force comes together with miniatures from Mantic Games but also a few added extra bits and pieces to help bulk out the units. It's one of the nice things about building Kings Of War armies; the fact that you have the licence to add lots of unit fillers to help tell a story.

For example, the unit above comes with mushrooms that were 3D printed and this second regiment features an oven that is trundling into battle featuring lots of delicious baked goods.

Kings Of War Halflings #2 by ugleb

The colour choices for the units is also a really big plus for these armies. I think the bright colours work really well and I love that they are then standing on those poppy, Fantasy bases with the purple grass. It looks like they have changed the very land around them with their Gastromancy!

Kings Of War Halflings #3 by ugleb

The storytelling on show here is fantastic and I think this is one of the nicest Kings Of War armies that I have seen. If you're interested in seeing these Halflings in action, there is also a set of photos from a battle that was played with these stunty fellows and an army list that you can read to see if the tactics shake out.


BattleTech by elmir

Last but not least, we're back checking out what elmir has been up to when it comes to BattleTech. elmir has painted up another great set of miniatures from Warrior House Lu Sann and The Capellan Confederation. As with everything elmir does, the work is fantastic.

More BattleTech #1 by Elmir

I always like seeing work on these smaller-scale armies for games like BattleTech and the like. I find the artistry in bringing these miniatures to life fantastic and the amount of detail that gets worked into the sculpts is superb. I think the battle damage in particular on these off-white miniatures is great and the light green really helps to set things off. The work on the cockpits is also bloody brilliant.

More BattleTech #2 by Elmir

Some of these BattleTech miniatures might have popped up in the past or at least schemes like them but it's always nice seeing these. I wonder if it's a subtle nudge from elmir for John to actually start getting more BattleTech painted so we can play some games on the tabletop.

More BattleTech #3 by Elmir

If you're someone who has been intrigued by BattleTech, make sure to check out the project from elmir to see more stunning miniatures. They will give you some helpful guides as to how you could approach painting your own miniatures. Ask elmir for some advice and I'm sure he will help you out!

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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