Community Spotlight: 6mm Armies, Moonstone & Ye Olde Vikings!

October 2, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We'll be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


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6mm American Civil War by buggeroff

We start off this week with a look at some work by buggeroff ahead of a bit of a meet amongst the community. buggeroff is going to be meeting up with commodorerob and brucelea for a bit of 6mm American Civil War wargaming and that meant getting an army together of the little blighters.

6mm American Civil War #1 buggeroff

There's a lot of information in the project about the American Civil War, the generals and the notable battles that might be getting played out in the future. The miniatures that you see here have come from the folks at Baccus and as well as being a project focused on the fun to be had in the period, it's also a great breakdown on how to paint 6mm troops and get your American Civil War soldiers looking great for the tabletop.

6mm American Civil War #2 buggeroff

The key for the project was making sure that the schemes were on point and getting them painted quickly and easily. Contrast paints have done a good job across the army and both the painting on the miniatures and the basing looks great. There are little guides for all of this in the project! This is the fruit of all of that labour!

6mm American Civil War #3 buggeroff

I think this has turned out great and I like how the army looks as a whole. I think the ranked-up infantry looks fantastic and the general/character bases also work very well. Once you see some more of the close-up shots of the miniatures, you'll no doubt want to go down the American Civil War path as well! Maybe this will get Shay working on his force when he has some time.


Moonstone by holly

Stepping away from the Historical, we also have some great Fantasy miniatures from holly and the world of Moonstone! This is a wonderful mixture of different miniatures from the range that have been painted up spectacularly by holly.

Moonstone #1 holly

As you might have guessed, this project is packed with lots of Moonstone painting and I think that holly has done a splendid job on these miniatures. Little Chubs above for example looks brilliant and I like how holly has managed to capture his rosy cheeks and the expression on the miniature. The addition of the polyhedral-style Moonstones on the bases is also great and a nice touch based on the look of the "dice" you normally find in the game.

Moonstone #2 holly

All sorts of miniatures have found their way into the project and there are lots of different techniques and ideas on show here. This fellow, Gump, is brilliant and I like how the mossy look to the wood has come together. It works really well with all the little glowing touches to the runes and the eyes which draw the eye. The basing is also really creative and I like that it's above and beyond what you'd do for your normal miniatures.

Another miniature from the project, and not from Moonstone, is this fellow here.

Moonstone #3 holly

The "Mean Tweets” Treeman from Robot Rocket Miniature looks absolutely fantastic. The work on the woodwork here is glorious but the real selling point of this particular miniature is the face. That face is absolutely amazing. You get real "old man" vibes from the miniature and I think the eyes look particularly good. This fellow speaks to me and I want to go hang out in the woods with him.


Ye Olde Vikings by nightrunner

Last but not least, we have some work by nightrunner on this set of old Vikings. This set of old 25mm scale Citadel miniatures Viking were going to be sold off but it seems like nightrunner has decided to give them a proper send-off with a gorgeous diorama.

Citadel Vikings #1 by nightrunner

The miniatures that nightrunner has been painting up are turning out awesomely. The miniatures still hold up but because Bickley's Vikings are now making it into nightrunner's collection, these folks need to head off to Valhalla. I think nightrunner has done a superb job on these miniatures, especially on their faces. The Jarl (middle) looks superb and I like that a lot of detail has been added to the beard.

Citadel Vikings #2 by nightrunner

The shield designs also look great and whilst they are "simple" they look spot on. The halved design is great but I really like the "petal" design on the left-hand shield. A lovely set of miniatures and just the start of nightrunner's journey.

This is where these miniatures will take their final stand.

Citadel Vikings #3 by nightrunner

The diorama already looks absolutely amazing and I think the churning sea looks gorgeous. The ship is also brilliant and by the gods, how good are those shields?! You can see more shots of this terrain piece over on the project which will give you an idea of the final design. I can't wait to see this when it has been finished.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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