Community Spotlight: 02 Hundred Hours Terrain, Piles Of Shame & The Barons’ War

June 19, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


02 Hundred Hours Terrain by hairybrains

We start out this week with someone tackling one of those bits of tabletop gaming that often gets forgotten about. hairybrains has been working on some awesome 02 Hundred Hours terrain for use with their tabletop games. Since 02 Hundred Hours is a game of stealth and sneaking into German outposts and giving the Axis a bloody nose, you need some good terrain and that's where the Sarissa range shines.

02 Hundred Hours Terrain #1 by hairybrains

This is the kind of iconic terrain that you want to really set the scene and I think that hairybrains has done a superb job on getting this painted up nice and quickly. I think working on the striped guardhouse feels like it would have been a bit of a chore but I think the neat finish to the piece nails the look that you're trying to get with this.

02 Hundred Hours Terrain #2 by hairybrains

There is a good mix of terrain that hairybrains has been working on for 02 Hundred Hours alongside some neat techniques for making it look good with a little bit of effort. The bunker looks great and with a little bit of brushwork to make it look worn and weathered, you get the effect from a "wargamers" distance away which I think is key.

02 Hundred Hours Terrain #3 by hairybrains

A big truck from Warlord games also joined the collection and it has been painted up rather nicely. The yellow tarpaulin over the top helps to make the vehicle stand out and you could even cover it in iconography if you liked. I think the paint job here works really well though, especially with the little bit of weathering and battle damage. Now you just need to get some Commandos to blow it sky-high.


Pile Of Shame by GentlemanSpy

Next up, we're diving into some fun when it comes to tackling that pile of shame. GentlemanSpy has been raiding their Old School Miniatures and Die Hard Miniatures collection with an aim to "slay the grey" and get some great miniatures painted up just because.

Pile Of Shame Painting #1 by GentlemanSpy

I always like seeing the Die Hard Miniatures range popping up in people's projects. The miniatures have an excellent Oldhammer vibe to them, sculpted by Tim Prow. It's always nice seeing the bright poppy colours that people paint up the miniatures in and GentlemanSpy has not disappointed here.

Some Undead Dwarves also make it into the current crow of miniatures alongside a dastardly Goblin who perhaps ended their lives, amusing them from the shadows.

Pile Of Shame Painting #2 by GentlemanSpy

Once again, the painting on these is awesome and it's great to see these miniatures that you often see just in their bare metal/resin painted up and looking good. I don't know what game these are destined for but I think they look fantastic and the Goblin in particular rocks. That bright green skin is perfect and helps to contrast against the dark wood, leather and metal.

This Evil Dwarf Painter made it into the project more recently and I think he looks fantastic.

Pile Of Shame Painting #3 by GentlemanSpy

He is rather different but I like the attention to detail making sure to add the colours onto his palette. He even has paint splodges on his "rag" and I do wonder what he's up to. Do you reckon that he wanders around dungeons painting up unfortunate heroes who are in desperate battles with deadly monsters? At least their final moments will be immortalised in terrible paintings.


The Barons' War by cptaqua

Last but not least, we have the work by cptaqua who has been working on miniatures for a game that I've always wanted to play but never dived into. They have been working away on a warband of Medieval warriors for use in The Barons' War.

The Barons War #1 by cptaqua

A range of awesome character miniatures have been painted up alongside the core of a fighting force for use in the game. I believe that cptaqua is aiming to turn this project into something bigger down the line alongside terrain and eventually a narrative campaign. This certainly lays the groundwork for that and I think the painting on these miniatures is fantastic. I really like the care and attention going into elements like the shields and also making sure the poppy colours don't get lost in the mud and blood of the Medieval era.

The Barons War #2 by cptaqua

There is a good mix of different miniatures getting painted up for this warband and most of them are done with Speedpaints. I think the final look is great and it shows off what you can do if you're neat and tidy. The basing looks great as well and gives off the look of muddy, bloody England. A lot of battles seemed to take place in muddy fields and it helps to frame the colourful characters on them.

The Barons War #3 by cptaqua

As you can see, the warband is looking superb and now the attention shifts from painting the miniatures to instead working on MDF terrain and more. I am very eager to see how the narrative campaign turns out and will be following the project to see where it goes.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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