Check Out Sythopian Wars: Monsters And Machines On Kickstarter!

August 20, 2024 by brennon

Supported by (Turn Off)

Bloodforged Games are back on Kickstarter right now with a new campaign focused on getting you stuck into their 32mm Sci-Fantasy wargame, Sythopian Wars. As well as that, they have plenty of new miniatures to help bolster existing armies with Monsters And Machines.

Monsters & Machines Kickstarter - Sythopian Wars

Check Out Sythopian Wars: Monsters And Machines On Kickstarter

For those not in the know, what is Sythopian Wars?

"Sythopian Wars is a 30mm+ Science Fantasy Tabletop Wargame with unique miniatures, fast-paced brutal gameplay and an original I.P to delve into. Building on the release of the Sythopian Wars Founders Set this campaign seeks to bring more units to the table both for the existing armies and the introduction of the latest addition, The Host."

Sythopian Wars has been in development for over a decade and the team behind the game has passionately been designing miniatures and rules to help bring their vision to life. If you're looking for a grim and terrible world filled with terrifying armies clashing on the tabletop, this game is for you. It features some truly unique ideas for its factions and miniature design and we've been following the development of the game for a while.

You can see some of our videos on the game here...

Sythopian Wars // UK Games Expo Interview

Indie Of The Week: Sythopian Wars

Games of Sythopian Wars play at a lightning pace with the alternating activation of units in your army pinging command of the tabletop back and forth. It's a far cry from the likes of Warhammer 40,000 where you can be waiting ages to get your turn. The focus has also shifted away from just relying on the dice to solve your problems and there is a real focus on tactical play between generals.

The Armies - Sythopian Wars

The Armies // Sythopian Wars

The basic rules for the game have been designed to be quick to learn but with plenty of back and forth and tactical thinking to wrap your head around the deeper you go into the rules. The game also heavily rests on its lore and each faction has been designed to feel unique, matching how they should work on the tabletop in the eye of the creators.

You can see Sythopian Wars in action here...

Sythopian Wars Battle Report

If you'd like to learn more about Sythopian Wars, you can delve into their entirely free rules HERE and also their lore and background HERE. It's all there for you to dive into!

The Pledge Options

The new Kickstarter focuses on expanding the options that were available during the Founder's set release in 2023. New units and more are on the way and can be picked up as part of different bundles depending on the faction you collect and how much you already own of Sythopian Wars.

Escalation Pledge - Sythopian Wars

Escalation Pledge // Sythopian Wars

The Escalation Pledge gives you options for picking up one of the units from their collection to add to your army. All of the miniatures will be available as high-quality resin kits and each of the three miniatures in a set should be unique in some way (where possible). Additionally, there are also STL Bundles for you to choose from which allow you to get your hands on multi-part kits for you to print at home. Multipart kits also allow you to customise your miniatures with variants.

The N-Force Pledge is for those who want to get started with the game. You can get one of the factions, Confederation, Asylumist or Host and get all of the core miniatures you need to start playing games with your faction of choice.

N-Force Pledge - Sythopian Wars

N-Force Pledge // Sythopian Wars

Make sure to check out the links further above in this article so you can go and learn the lore. Get your head around it and make an informed choice about your faction. I also like that you can bolt on another faction for two players to get started and you can get the Quickplay Booklet which could be very handy.

We also have the Monsters And Machines pledge which throws in all manner of seriously BIG miniatures into your armies that can lay down some terrifying firepower.

Monsters & Machines Pledge - Sythopian Wars

Monsters & Machines Pledge // Sythopian Wars

You get the N-Force options plus a bunch of additional big units for crushing your enemies. All of the Founders Units can also be picked up as part of the Add-Ons for this campaign so you can enhance your armies in other ways too.

Add-ons, Stretch Goals and more are also available as part of the campaign so you can pick and choose what works for you. Make sure to check out the campaign in full for more information and start your journey into the world of Sythopian Wars.

Check Out Sythopian Wars: Monsters And Machines On Kickstarter

Are you going to be checking out more from Sythopian Wars? Tell us which faction works for you!

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"Sythopian Wars has been in development for over a decade..."

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

"...each faction has been designed to feel unique, matching how they should work on the tabletop in the eye of the creators"

Supported by (Turn Off)

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