Makes me wonder, if @avernos shelves could talk what would we hear?
“Here he comes, bet he doesn’t touch me today”. “Me neither”! Then a low growler voice from inside a box that’s inside a box that’s under a table in the back corner croaks out, “You’re all rookies! I’ve not been touched since the late 80’s”!
No one knows what happened to Sam and Cas, and Gerry has a part of his house he MUST hide. I wonder if the two are connected, possibly with the unending amount of naked plastic Gerry needs painting?
Funny thing is… there was no curtain on my stream… sooooo… do I need to rewatch my own stream to see what is what? 😉
Now I wonder what things you were hiding behind your background …
Well, you may find out next week 😉
There’s nothing bad with Episode I!
Let me rephrase, there is nothing bad with liking Episode I!
it’s got Liam Neeson in it, how can that be bad?
I read the book that takes place before Episode 1, and it was pretty good. It made me like most of Ep#1.
I don’t mind it, I’ve mellowed with it over time, there are chunks I could lose and not worry about, but there are still parts that I love.
Makes me wonder, if @avernos shelves could talk what would we hear?
“Here he comes, bet he doesn’t touch me today”. “Me neither”! Then a low growler voice from inside a box that’s inside a box that’s under a table in the back corner croaks out, “You’re all rookies! I’ve not been touched since the late 80’s”!
Or is that just my workshop?
“Paaaaaaint us Gerry. Why do you haaaaaaate us so much Gerry?” 😉
No one knows what happened to Sam and Cas, and Gerry has a part of his house he MUST hide. I wonder if the two are connected, possibly with the unending amount of naked plastic Gerry needs painting?
meesa thinks this is a harsh
Still not seeing behind it
A green screen kilt.
Gerry the magician will never reveal his secrets.
There will be a time and a place for @avernos to reveal his Hannah Montana action figure collection, but we haven’t reached that point yet.