Snag The First Fist In The Eye Miniatures From 28 Mag

June 30, 2023 by brennon

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Fist In The Eye Miniatures, the fun range of sculpts from 28 Mag, are now available for you to snap up from their webstore! You can get your hands on three different Fantasy miniatures in 28mm scale (as you might have guessed) with The Explorer and two Orcs.

The Explorer - Fist In The Eye Miniatures

The Explorer // Fist In The Eye Miniatures

The first of the miniatures is The Explorer who is no doubt pushing their luck and delving down into all manner of dangerous dungeons. It seems like they have seen a few things already and so have come prepared with a pick axe and a bunch of scrolls that hopefully feature protective spells. I really like the sign on her back which I reckon is a bit talismanic, offering up some guidance after a past and most likely misguided adventure.

The miniature was designed by Nicky Grillet and was sculpted by Andrew May who has done superb work in the past on his own array of miniatures.

Marauding Orcs!

When exploring, our heroes might also find themselves coming up against some deadly foes. With that in mind, you can also pick up a pair of Marauding Orcs. One of them is armed with a Bow and the other comes with a Spear.

Orc Marauder With Bow - Fist In The Eye Miniatures

Orc Marauder With Bow // Fist In The Eye Miniatures

Both of these miniatures have been designed and sculpted by Aaron Howdle and are packed with character. I love the Orc with the bow who is urging his opponent to try his patience. The fellow with the spear seems like he's already poked quite a few prisoners!

Orc Marauder With Spear - Fist In The Eye Miniatures

Orc Marauder With Spear // Fist In The Eye Miniatures

The miniatures are currently available for you to snap up from the Fist In The Eye Miniatures webstore but only in the US. The team are trying to make the miniatures available in the EU and the UK in the future though. The miniatures are also available in limited quantities so if you're looking to pick them up, you'll want to be quick off the mark.

What would you like to see from Fist In The Eye in the future?

"You can get your hands on three different Fantasy miniatures in 28mm scale with The Explorer and two Orcs..."

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