Black Site Studios’ New Hametsu Expansion Coming This Week

August 21, 2024 by brennon

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Black Site Studios will be releasing a new supplement and miniatures for their 32mm demon-hunting Samurai wargame, Hametsu this week. New hunts, campaigns, monsters and more will be coming out for budding demon slayers.

The Ryu And The Rain - Hametsu

The Ryu And The Rain // Hametsu

The Ryu And The Rain will feature a full new map-based campaign for max-level hunters who might have thought they had slain everything that they could. New game modes will also be included covering time trials, dungeon crawls and wave defence missions. The cooperative nature of Hametsu lends itself nicely to all of that!

You will also get a new Path Of Mastery for all nine of the core classes including the School of Corruption and School of Elements. New boss monsters will also be added to the mix for use during the campaign and a refresh of the original six core bosses who have all been levelled up so they can battle your high-level Hunters.

Kappa & Musashi Miniatures - Hametsu

Kappa & Musashi Miniatures // Hametsu

There are also going to be new entries for Kappa enemies (see above) including the Kappa, Greater Kappa, Kappa Drummer and Kappa Mule. The legend, Musashi, will also be making a name for himself and bringing his sword-swinging skills to the tabletop.

Hametsu Expansions - Black Site Studios

Hametsu Expansions // Black Site Studios

As a cheeky little extra, the expansion will also come with shipping manning and combat rules which I'm sure will give you some fun alternative ways to build scenarios. Once you've battled through mountains, jungles and towns, it seems apt to head to the sea to defeat the monstrous demons of the depths.

The new expansion content for Hametsu will be available this weekend!

"The Ryu And The Rain will feature a full new map-based campaign for max-level hunters..."

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