The Weekender XLBS: Plans for BoW & Myth Unboxed!!!
February 9, 2014 by dignity
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Woo!!! XLBS!!!
And more to the point, a kick starter sounds like a good idea, you can but try.
And ill get some pints in again for the meet up, ill try to not get @lloyd pissed again.
Backstager meet up thread to help gauge numbers and discuss venue.
great show guys. I dont mind chucking you guys a bit of money (10-20 quid) if it helps get you some stuff, its a much better idea than the ones you had to get us to help fund GW stuff for unboxing.
Just so as I’m clear, our intention for the 40k stuff was to fund raise separately for its content, so only those who were interested in it could support it. 🙂
It wasn’t a fundraiser among Backstagers. 😉
okie dokie skip
MWG raised $37,472 on indiegogo to upgrade their equipment, so it definitely seems like something worth doing. I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss taking the campaign to a crowdfunding site. If you run a campaign on one then the ceiling is potentially higher. Another big determiner in how high the ceiling can go is what you can offer in exchange. Many people will be happy to pledge a little just to help out, a lot of people won’t pledge at all if it’s just to help out. All potential pledgers will be more likely to pledge and to pledge… Read more »
Yup KS is all about the rewards, but we may not be completely beat on that. However we don’t want to let fundraising get in the way of content, so we’ll wait and see.
I would tend towards keeping a crowdfunding campaign short. Long ones just tend to lag in the middle anyway and as you say, you don’t want to sacrifice content. I know from others who have run them that they can be a full-time job whilst they’re on. 2-3 weeks with a big build up is how I would run one. The campaign itself can be a content generator as long as it doesn’t drag on.
And to mark the occasion of the glorious return, I quote from Genesis 2.2-3:
“And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation, and sat down to watch XLBS.
I’ll be up for a meet up, my brother has a pub in Walthamstow, which is relatively close to Salute, if your interested.
3D is an area we are a little split on. For painting tutorials we have a hunch that thy could be rather cool/useful.
But we have no means of testing that theory, so it’s down to, is it worth a punt on?
Personally, I can’t stand 3D, but as long as I get a 2D version as well, I’m not bothered either way. Think I’ll wait for holograms where I can spin the image around as the tutorial progresses, might be a way off though 😛
I can’t stand 3D. Gives me a splitting headache.
Also, consider the medium. You’re usually distributing your content through the internet. How many computer monitors, how many tablets, how many mobile phones, actually supports 3D?
Considering the price of the equipment and the extra work, I’ll give 3D a definite thumps down.
I’ll support any form of fundraising you guys come up with, would be a pleasure to help BoW.
Not all that sold on 3D myself, fine in the cinema from time to time but other than that I’m a little meh on the whole thing.
Myth! Oh my, as a big fan of Super Dungeon Explore I must have a copy of Myth.
Great show as always, Myth looks incredible I want a copy! Is it publicly available or only to backers at this stage? The new painting show sounds incredible and as much as it would cost me a fortune to send one of them from Australia I know of a few miniatures that I could send across being newish to the hobby my painting is probably perfect, I have some “tabletop standard” and some truly awful stuff. Depending on how the fundraiser is done and how its done will depend on how I pledge, I would highly reccomend avoiding kickstarter, they… Read more »
What about holding a BoW tournament to raise funds for cameras? Winners can get a years backstage pass and a BoW t-shirt and all the entry fees go on equipment. I am sure you can find a sponsor for a venue?
Not keen on 3D tutorials, probably because I don’t have a 3D tv or glasses.
A meetup sounds good, depends on when and where. My Salute ticket arrived in the post already, woo hoo!
The question with 3D is how many of us have access to it. I think it might be worth having a pole for the whole of the BOW community to see how much it would be used. It would be a shame to use up a great deal of time and resources to only end up with another ‘Dreadfleet’.
Great show again, loving that Myth stuff, I didnt pay much attention to it when it was on kickstarter, but it looks like a solid purchase just from the contents. Look forward to peoples impressions on how it plays. I think fundraising is a good idea, and although I think the 3d painting tutorials is a really cool idea, I do have to question how useful it would be. Apart from everyone using tablets and low power laptops, most desktop PCs wont be capable of displaying it either, so how big a market would there actually be? Personally, I don’t… Read more »
I’ve had a demo game of myth at Spiel. I’m a backer. First and only kickstarter for me so far, but I could not pass that up.
The game will be in stores around april.
It’s a blast to play. It really requires teamwork and give you loads of options, action wise.
My friends I had with me where completely convinced after one session.
Happy to support raising funds as we know it will be well invested
Just taking a backward step regarding mankini-stretchgoals, what happened to Justin’s food challenge from last year?? (The “lets feed him something terrible” one) 🙂
I would back a kickstarter. Some of the thing you could do for pledge levels are: 1. A level for backers to send in a miniature for a Painting tutorial with the backer getting the miniature back. 2. A level with some PDF paper terrain (Maybe from Battle Systems and others) 3. A free month of backstage. 4. Advertising levels for companies. 5. I am sure you could get some companies to donate stuff for levels. 6. Maybe BoW logo stickers, posters, or T-shirts etc. If you think 1 box was alot…. look at the amount of extras backers are… Read more »
3D interesting concept, would be good for those that have the tech, but redundant for those that don’t, unless you go down the 3D Gif route, see link
Would definitely contribute to a BOW fundraiser for camera equipment and content. The Dicetower finished a similar campaign on kickstarter, so might be worth looking to see how they ran that. As for doing the campaign on the BOW site or on a crowding funding site, it really depends which you think will generate more funds after the crowd funding site takes their cut. I don’t have 3d capacity but think it’s something that would really work for most BOW content where minis are involved. Watch football, golf or snooker in 3d and you can see how the depth of… Read more »
In terms of fund raising, why not utilise a fund distribution system not unlike the one used in the Humble Bundles for PC games. For example, 40% of every donation goes towards camera equipment and the remaining 60% can be allocated by the user between a number of projects, e.g. GW coverage, Demo games, Camera equipment (so 100% could be allocated to this if the user desires) etc. It might default to an even distribution between all the remaining projects but since the user can change it, nobody needs to feel like they are funding something they don’t care for,… Read more »
I’m just a little excited to see Myth. Hoping it won’t be too long before it gets to us backers.
Multiple copies, more minis, bigger adventures should definitely work. The KS had all sorts of add-ons for more orcs, more skellies, etc. all to embiggen the action.
Would be well happy to support BOW in a fundraiser, but……..3d? no thanks! I really don’t think you need to go down that route………
Personally 3d painting is an interesting concept although admittedly I’m only Luke warm to the idea. However I think the Painting ER is a blinding idea. As for fundraising I’d happily throw a few quid your way, think the idea of some tournament fund raisers would work well.
Definitely up for the Backstage meet up, gutted I missed Nottingham.
Awesome to see The Weekender & XLBS back – always a treat for a weekend 🙂 Got almost the full works during the MYTH KS – really looking forward to that one arriving! (Though I am seriously getting snowed under with KS minis now 😉 – a wonderful problem to have!) A fundraiser sounds cool – I’d def be on-board… could always group some past episodes onto a DVD/ download for backer rewards – wouldn’t cost too much and I’m sure others like me would love to have a complete collection of, for example, all the past painting tutorials :).… Read more »
Hmmm… there seem to be lots of smilies in that comment 😉
I’m not much of a video gamer but as long as any content didn’t eat into the tabletop content it wouldn’t bother me.
You might also try to do a fundraiser locally. The main question is: How many people do you want to reach beyond your current audience? If the answer is ‘none/a few’ a home-grown fundraiser might be just as effective and less costly, because you can use all the tools you have readily available (an anouncement video, forum posts, etc.) Pendraken Miniatures succesfully funded a whole set of sculpts (Mongol army) for their historical wargaming range this way. Of course this was basically a pre-order scheme with tangible goodies. So it will be different for a BoW campaign offering ‘the promise’… Read more »
I like the plans for the future. Fundraiser would be ok for me since I’m impressed by the scope of your ambitions. Multi-camera battle reports etc sounds great.
1) I think a fundraiser, indiegogo or otherwise would be fine, I know I’d send money.
2) I think painting in 3d wouldn’t be worth it, I’d rather just more camera angles especially for battle reports or game demos.
3) painting ER also seems like a good idea
Myth looks great, can’t wait until I get my stretch goaled copy in May…
Great Video, I think getting some crowd finding in and your goals showing what project X amount on money is going towards and what this now enable you to do it s a great idea to.
On the note of Myth the key thing is make me thing of was Super Dungeon Explore, similar scale minis great artwork, and production of the project.
As for a project for Roman, how about painting up some of the Loka stuff?
Me painting Loka stuff ? Now THAT’s for the painting ER…