New Warcasters for your Cygnar Faction
March 8, 2012 by brennon
Check out this new pair for your Cygnar faction from Privateer Press. Certainly causing a 'storm' on the Warmachine front, Artificer Nemo and Storm Chaser Caitlin.
Loving the tesla look on these models, and the old General Nemo is superb. Caitlin Finch too has great detail too her, and would be awesome additions to the Cygnar faction.
Will you hire these two?
Is Nemo one of the few that has a second epic stage going on?
yes, Nemo, Asphyxious, Kreoss, and Vlad will get new versions.
Looking forward to see Asphy and I actually like this Nemo model not a big fan of the other 2 but this is pretty good though whats his nick name going to be as it can’t be ENemo we already have one hmmmm AGNemo.
See; this is why this third stage of warcaster should’ve been called Legendary – I saw the title being bandied about the PP forums a while ago.
Both Nemo and Caitlin look great.
does anybody what the names of hoards new second level casters