Sphere Wars Scuttles Out a Lovely Lady Mantis
November 14, 2013 by dracs
A little while back we saw a preview for a new mantis like creature appearing in Sphere Wars. Now that creation is scuttling forth and we have found out it's not a creature at all, it's a Mantis Lady called Yenay.
Considering what happens to male Preying Mantis after mating I can see why Yenay here would be a fearsome foe to face in Sphere Wars.
The sculpt is very graceful and well created, though it doesn't exactly look like she is in a skirmish battle. Still, it is a very cool miniature which should make a good addition to a collection, either for gaming or just as a nice piece to show off your painting.
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… such an unnessisary top…
I actually agree. It would have been a really cool model for me if she was not wearing a female soldier type of vest. Now just to be absolutely clear, I don’t mean that in a prurient way. It detracts from the model for me and makes no actual sense, but actually draws my attention to design decisions. This “breaks the fourth wall” and makes it harder to fully immerse myself in her narrative. Also how the bloody hell does she change it and wash the garment? lol It would have been one of those circumstances where the nudity was… Read more »
I thought I seen this released before. Still looks nice ether way.
“You’re just trying to get me drunk so you can eat my head aren’t you?”