New Releases from Heresy Miniatures
October 4, 2011 by dracs
Heresy Miniatures are releasing two new fantasy figures for you to get gaming with.
First up is the Wight Lord.
The detail of this sculpt and the fact that he has been positioned floating slightly above the ground make for a very characterful figure which I am sure will soon be making an appearance in various dungeons and undead hordes. Having said this there is a certain static element to the pose which I find rather jarring.
Hot on the Wight Lord's heels and bringing divine retribution to all evil is Brother Bude, the Exorcist.
Again a miniature with a lot of character, this figure is probably my favourite of the two. Come on, who doesn't like fanatical warrior priests bringing their own very special form of divine intervention?
What are your thoughts on these latest offerings? Will any of you be including either of these figures into your own collections?
Why o why do wight kings/lord/standard bearers have to have silly pointy hats!!
How would you know it was a wight king/lord/standard bearer if they didn’t wear a silly pointy hat?
Which came first, the wight king or the pointy hat? lol
It’s probably in the job description. Lurking in the small print…
They need some means to get a TV signal down in those tombs.
Favourite programme is the Crypt On Factor
Silly pointy stuff is a staple of evil… Horned helmets, assassin’s cowls and other cult cagoules all proudly boast unwieldy points.
It makes you wonder about the shape of the doors in their lairs/crypts/secret hideout…
BoW Romain
The monk has a look of Patrick Stewart about it …..
Oh dear, I hadn’t seen it but you’re right !
This is Patrick…
BoW Romain
I think I prefer the monk, though the red splodge in the background makes working out the detail on the wight lord less easy.
Don’t like the wight lord but the monk is alright
why cant a wight king just have some normal sized head whit a crown (not to large and pointy/silly) and maybe some kind of magical aura/flame thing. but then, i kind of want back the old undead lists, where you dident have to have those silly parkely pointy toothed emo kids, and could get some decent spell lobbing on. Tho in those days the king of all pointy hats were born, the Nagash mini of horror, you could fit a fullgrown man into his hat……….