Otherworld Miniatures have recently been publishing a series of WIP of a miniature they are currently working on, but now we finally get to see what it is. I hope you brought an umbrella as it's about to pour thanks to this Storm Giant.
We at Beasts of War love adding a bit of narrative to our gaming. Providing an epic story, shaped by your wins and losses, brings a game to life and elevates it beyond pieces on a table. Games Workshop have always provided excellent campaigns for their games and I got a chance to look at the most recent for Warhammer Fantasy; Sigmar's Blood!
Norsgard have finally put out two starter sets for their fantasy world. Get playing!
Kabuki Models are introducing a new character designer to their line up, Velentina Zeppa. First thing they've done for Kabuki? A sexy Easter Bunny of course.
AntiMatter Games have a new warrior of legend appearing in the realms of ShadowSea, a fearsome warrior woman from the Axibalan Empire; Chimalma.
The casts for Blacksmith Miniatures' dwarven coal miner have arrived and are now ready to order and be sent down the mines.
The Dwarf Royal Family has been released by Four A Miniatures. Perfect for use as role-playing heroes or even NPCs?
See what you think of these deadly looking Dark Elves which have been led into battle by their Concubine by Avatars of War.
North Star Military Figures have collaborated with Osprey Publishing to provide the miniatures for their Kung Fu film inspired rule set A Fistful of Kung Fu. Now those fearsome martial artists are available for your tabletop.
Don't Panic Games continue to show off the sculpts for the upcoming two armies starter set for the game Maelstrom, this time bringing their take on the classic myth of the Minotaur.
See what you make of the additional images from the upcoming release of White Dwarf Weekly. They have managed to snap the awesome looking Longbeards and got us a close-up on Belegar.
What do you think of these miniature heroes taking to 15mm dungeons for riches and glory?
Check out this months releases for the re-emerging world of Nemesis from Zenit Miniatures.
On our last little trip over to Nottingham Warren stopped off with Jake Thornton for a Designers Studio session. In part one of the interview we get to see how it all started for Jake and the road through Games Workshop.
Don't Panic Games have put out two new previews for the game of Maelstrom, letting us know what we are in store for with the upcoming two armies starter box.
Otherworld Miniatures are continuing to create the range of miniatures for the current Barrowmaze Complete IndieGoGo campaign, the latest of which is the sinister, lurching form of a Crypt Knight.
Considering the news of a return to form of the Dwarfs and generally loving Warhammer Fantasy Battles my local store and I decided to take on Regiments of Renown and I suggest you give it a go as well!
Shieldwolf are bringing the banner to the fore with their new Orc Army Banner Bearer.
Check out the Dwarf models coming to the world of Warhammer Fantasy in February.
Will you be crossing yourself and hoping the Punishment Angel doesn't come down and reap your soul? The epic model from Tale of War is on the way.
The 16th wave of Bushido releases is now available for pre-order from GCT Studios, bringing out all new special cards and the new cross-faction character.
Titan Forge may have finished their Kickstarter, but that isn't stopping them from showing off a new unit that they have casted up and ready for gaming.
Rebel Minis have released a new set of 15mm scale werewolves to go terrorizing anyone who would dare venture into the wild places of the world.
Well guys we thought it might be cool to give all out faithful Backstage members a peek at how the build of Studio One went this week and let you see just how much work has went in to it.
Norsgard have more previews to show off as they close in on their release next week.
Does this new creature creation from UDock look like a perfect new painting project?
So guys it's been another insane week. We've had John in the studio filming some cool new tutorials and such, Justin has made his move in to his new house here in the north, and we've made the big step of getting stage two of building the new studio here in Ireland.
Two Elementals have appeared on the facebook of Maelstrom the Game, wielding the powers of nature itself.
Darklands is about to be hit by a mass of different heroes and villains. What is your favourite from this latest batch?
As you may have seen, the next army Avatars of War is working on for Warthrone is the Dark Elves, the first of which have just appeared. Fear the stealthy blade of the Black Shadows.
Barrowmaze is a classic Mega Dungeon for dungeon delving adventure games like Labyrinth Lord and other such fantasy RPGs. recently, it headed to IndieGoGo for Barrowmaze Complete and Otherworld Miniatures will be providing the models.
Another awesome miniature comes to the fore thanks to Tercio Creativo. I need to get my hands on some of these!
Mike and Kev sit down for another fantastic Battlebox & Beyond. This time we get a look at the Circle Orboros faction and some of the great miniatures that you can begin adding to bulk up your nature loving team!
Anyaral: The World of Twilight is a fantasy skirmish game featuring some particularly imaginative minis. Currently it is gearing up towards a Kickstarter and a new concept sketch for one of the limited edition minis it will bring has appeared.
With the recent rumours about the upcoming schedule of releases for Warhammer Fantasy, and more on a new edition of the game coming this summer we decided to give our thoughts on goings on in the Old World.
Freeblades will be taking to the Arena to shed blood in the name of some baying crowd. They are also looking to make a historical variant from the time of Ancient Rome.
Norsgard will finally be seeing a release next week with the starters for some of the factions.
MaxMini show off a crazy creation from last Friday and their creative thinking sessions.
Acolyte Miniatures show off another of their Drow Marauders with the glint of a backstab in his eye.
Gav and Kev get their hands on the Tempest Blazers for Cygnar, but will these horse riding, pistol carrying, masters of the gun float their boat?
Shieldwolf Miniatures is now accepting orders on their latest greenskin, a spell-slinging Mountain Orc Shaman.
Spellcrow have shown off another of their Dwarf heroes and this time he is having a little drink down the local tavern.