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Weekender XLBS: The End Of Warhammer Fantasy As We Know It?


Happy Sunday! We're continuing the Mantic Games chat into XLBS where we sit down with Andrew of Purple Guerrilla who have been working away on the Mantic Digital Apps that you can use to help with all your tabletop gaming needs.

Myth Week: What’s Coming In The Future?


We sit down and have a chat about what's coming in the future for Megacon Games' Myth! There's plenty in the pipeline but what would you like to see? More quests, bigger bosses, maybe even more heroes to add to your games?

Myth Week: How To Paint The Soldier Part Four


It's time for the final part of Romain's tutorial on How to Paint The Soldier from Myth! What do you guys think of the finished article and will you be painting up your own boxed set?

Myth Week: Meet The Brigand


Sneaking and stabbing your enemies in the back is the domain of The Brigand in Myth and if you like the sound of sticking to the shadows waiting for the perfect moment to strike this is the character for you. Did we mention he's also a literal sneaky rat?!

Myth Week: How To Paint The Soldier Part Three


We're back for the next stage of painting the fantastic Myth Soldier from Megacon Games as Romain adds the next few layers of colour. What do you think so far?

Myth Week: Meet The Monsters Of Myth!


You can't have a good adventure without some enemies to fight and so we're going to be taking a look at at the Minions, Captains and Bosses of the Myth universe! If you don't know your enemy then you may just be doomed to die!

Myth Week: Meet The Acolyte


We're powering through these adventurous heroes for Myth and the next for us to look at is The Acolyte! If you like the idea of rocking around with a gigantic hammer crushing skulls and then healing your allies then this should be your perfect pick.

Myth Week: Key Mechanics Of Questing & Adventuring!


One of the best things about game like Myth is that when you start adding in quests and stories these games go from being good to great. Warren and the guys from Megacon Games sit down to chat about bringing the world to life.

Myth Week: Meet The Apprentice!


There's always one person in the part staying away from the sharp things and hanging back to kill from a distance. No, it's not the Archer. This time it's the one throwing high explosive balls of death at people; the Myth Apprentice!

Myth Week: How To Paint The Soldier Part Two


Romain continues with this painting tutorial on the Soldier from Megacon Games' Myth adding another level of painting to this hero bringing him to life on the tabletop. Have you been following along with this one?

Myth Week: Key Mechanics Of The Darkness!


It's in the shadows and when night falls; the Darkness is coming for you! Sit and listen young traveller as we tell you how the Darkness works in Megacon Games' Myth. These tips and tricks on its mechanics might save you and your party of adventurers!

Myth Week: Meet The Soldier


It's time to meet the next of the heroes in Myth from Megacon Games as the guys have a look at the Soldier! If you're a fan of being a mad man running headlong into the fray then the Soldier might be the hero for you boasting a cool rage mechanic and being a proper tank at the same time. You're going to love being in the midst of a mound of monsters!

Myth Week: How To Paint The Soldier Part One!


Our painting guru has sat down with the Soldier hero from Myth and has picked a rather dashing paint scheme for him! Sit down, relax and watch as we take you through how to paint up this great looking hero from Megacon Games.

Myth Week: Key Mechanics Of A Game Tile


We're diving into Myth week and taking a look at some of the cool key mechanics of this board game from Megacon Games. In this video we're checking out the gaming tiles themselves and how they're going to add to your hack and slash adventure experience.

Myth Week: Meet The Archer


It's time to meet one of the mighty heroes you and your buddies will be playing as in your games of Myth! If killing monsters from afar and shooting the eyes out of a big howling boss monster is your thing then you might want to play as the Archer!

Weekender: KoW Kickstarter & Batman Miniatures Game!


Welcome to another episode of The Weekender where we're sitting in the wake of a pretty fantastic Kings of War 2nd Edition Rulebook Kickstarter that's kicked off and already blasted throughit's stretch goals!

Unboxing: Borka, Vengeance of the Rimeshaws – Hordes!


We're taking a look at one of the new Warlocks from the Exigence book for HordesBorka is one big burly Trollblood on an even bigger bear!

XLBS: Win a Signed Operation: Icestorm Box Set!


Since it's the start of October this weeks XLBS is getting a bit spooky! We've got an awesome Caption Competition for you to have a go at.

Megacon Games MERCS & Myth XLBS Interview!


Backstagers can now enjoy an extended interview with the Megacon crew as we talk more about the future of both MERCS and Myth. Some awesome snippets of information for both of these games so don't miss out!

Megacon Games MERCS & Myth Interview!


We're sitting down for a chat with the guys behind Megacon Games who have created such games as the awesome MERCS and of course Myth! If you ever wanted to find out more about these games then you don't want to miss this! More coming in an extended Backstage interview too!

4Ground: Backstreets of Mordanburgh – Unboxed


We're back for another look at the 4Ground Mordanburgh Terrain and this time they're delving into the Backstreets to examine what comes in these smaller sets. Do you think you'll be picking these up for your fantasy township?

The Weekender XLBS: Survey & Gaming Awards Coming Soon!


In big news we're announcing the coming of the 2014 Annual Survey and Gaming Awards for Beasts of War that we've been working on behind the scenes!

Weekender XLBS: D&D 5th Edition First Impressions & Scooby Doo!


The guys get chatting about what games they've been playing this week! Justin's all about Legends of the Old West, Sam shares his first impressions of D&D 5th Edition.

The Weekender XLBS: The Future Of Gaming Stores & Inclusivity


In the Weekender XLBS we're chatting about how we think gaming stores are going to survive in the future.

The Weekender: Spice Up Your Games Of Warhammer 40K & Win an Epic Carnevale Prize!

10 years ago 184

We've got an awesome prize for you this week! One lucky winner will win the chance to create their own miniature for the world of Carnevale! Come up with a one line description of a cool Carnevale themed character in the comments and Vesper-On will pick their favourite

The Weekender XLBS: The Hobby Market & Year Of The Hybrid?


Happy Sunday! In this weekends XLBS we're going to be talking about a wargaming nirvana, the new range of World of Tanks kits coming out of Italeri and then discussing the hobby market as a whole.

The Weekender: 40k Campaign Final Preparations & Demigods Review!


It's Saturday and that means it's time for The Weekender! As the title suggests we're going to be running through the ideas for our Warhammer 40,000 Campaign which featured in a Vlog for Backstagers earlier in the week.

The Weekender XLBS: Ace RPG Terrain & The Others 7 Sins!


Happy Sunday! This time on XLBS we're checking out The Others: 7 Sins, delving deep with some RPG Terrain and discussing how to handle that growing collection of miniatures and terrain as autumn and winter roll around.

The Weekender: Digital Wargaming & Win Demigods Rising Minis!


We're back for another awesome Weekender and we're focusing in on how the tabletop and digital realms can be perfect partners! You can also comment to win some of the amazing Demigods Rising prototype miniatures!

Delving Deep With A Dungeon Saga Demo Game!


If the title didn't give it away we have got our hands on the Alpha Rules and a member of the Mantic team to show us how to play Dungeon Saga: Dwarf King's Quest! Update: Rules Within!

Dungeon Saga Interview XLBS: Ronnie From Mantic!


Warren sits down with Ronnie Renton of Mantic to chat about extra things they want to do with Dungeon Saga and Dwarf King's Quest.

The Weekender XLBS: GW Annual Report & Sons of Anarchy Revealed!


Good morning everybody! This week's show is going to be a cracker, as the guys have some big topics to chat about!

The Weekender: Dungeon Saga, Icestorm and Our Kickstarter Picks!


Welcome to your weekly dose of Weekender fun! In this show, the guys are having a chinwag about the new Dungeon Saga game coming out of Mantic.

The Weekender: Wargaming Outside & 40K Space Wolf Flyer!


As the title suggests this one's a bit of a crazy one! We're talking about gaming outdoors since it's nice and sunny right about now & discussing the rather interesting looking Space Wolf flyer and the rules surrounding!

Dwarf King’s Quest Interview With Ronnie From Mantic Games!


This could well be the next big dungeon delver so see what treasures we can get out of Mr Renton!

XLBS: Gaming Where Palm Trees Sway, Alien Worlds and Comics!


In this week's XLBS the guys have a chat about what hobby stuff they've been getting up to, and discuss their ideas for creating an alien world on your gaming table.

The Weekender: Win 4Ground Fabled Realms Buildings!

10 years ago 372

It's Saturday and that means The Weekender! In this episode you could win yourself a very, very awesome prize! By commenting on the episode you could win yourself a host of 4Ground Fabled Realms Buildings for the Streets of Mordanburg collection!

What’s in The Box: Kingdom Death’s Pinups of Death Collection!

10 years ago 50

Once in a while you get a boxed set of miniatures that is a must have for collectors. Justin has got his hands on one such box and its the Pinups of Death Collection from Kingdom Death! These are some very stunning ladies! Take a look and let us know your thoughts on these miniatures.

The Weekender XLBS: Warmachine Tactics, DUST & Old School D&D!


Happy Sunday, it's time for more hobby stuff in this Weekender XLBS!

XLBS: New Team Members, 40K Campaign & Return of Gamer Dad!


VIDEO UPDATED - Should play on more devices! Kicking off this episode, Justin and John ask the community what games they would like to see in a private screening as we test the waters of Let's Play videos.

The Weekender: Win Battle Foam & An Epic Wargaming Chat!!!


We have another mega Weekender show for you where we have a mountain of cool stuff to chat about! We'll be looking at some new products from Battle Foam and you have a chance to win either the great P.A.C.K 422 with new Molle System OR the epic Privateer Press Tournament Bag!

The Weekender XLBS: Castle Panic & Kingdom Death Showcase!


We're back to make your Sunday awesome with a look at Castle Panic and putting some amazing Kingdom Death miniatures under the close cam! 666 The Devil & Golden Smoke are the pick of the bunch - parental advisory on this one we'd say!

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