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Convergence of Cyriss Force Breakdown – The Vectors


Kev has been joined for Mike for this next section of the new Convergence of Cyriss breakdown. In this one the guys are having a look at the new Warjack type, the Vectors! Will the Convergence's toys of death and destruction stack up against the old school Warjacks of the other factions?

Sullen Soldiers & A Dread Maw From Warhammer Forge


Check out the awesome looking new additions to the Warhammer Forge line.

Oddity Summon Up The Orc Hordes On IndieGoGo


Check out these pretty awesome looking Orcs from Oddity Miniatures.

Iron Mask Miniatures Go Swashbuckling With Dwarfs!


Check out some awesome little Dwarfs from Iron Mask Miniatures.

Convergence of Cyriss Force Breakdown – The Warcasters


Well we did promise everyone that we'd be covering the Convergence of Cyriss, and so here it is! Kev and Gav sit down in this first look at the warcasters for this new faction.

The Silvermoon Trade Syndicate Divulge Their Secrets


Check out some new additions to the every-growing Bushido Faction, the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate.

The Kings Of War Heroes Take Shape From Mantic


Check out some of the work in progress heroes making their way to Kings of War via Mantic.

Dark Sword Go Adventuring With Many Fantastic Foxes


Check out the releases from July for Dark Sword Miniatures. The foxes are certainly abroad!

The Weekender XLBS: Chatting Inheritance & Wishlisting!


...and now we're into XLBS! We'll be continuing our discussions on Inheritance and having a good old chinwag about the kind of games we'd love to see on the tabletop.

The Weekender: FoW, Warmachine & Infinity Prizes!


In this weeks Weekender we talk about the awesome looking Warmachine: Tactics, Flames of War For The Win, Convergence and also announce some prize winners!

Spellcrow Have Fun With Giant Spiders


Spellcrow have another look into the world of fantasy with their giant spider!

The Fennblade Kithkar Leads Trollbloods To Battle


Check out the Kithkar from Privateer Press for the game of Hordes. Is this solo worth his salt?

IndieGoGo Plays Host To New Skirmish Game Rack & Ruin


Check out this neat looking IndieGoGo Campaign for Rack & Ruin which explores a new twist on the skirmish game format.

The Designer’s Studio: Talking Relics With Gav Moorcroft of Tor Gaming Part 1


Warren is joined by game designer Gav Moorcroft from Tor Gaming to get an insight into the history behind Gav's love of gaming and how he got his break in the industry. Sorry guys video has been fixed!

Ramshackle Games Herd Together More Dungers


Ramshackle Games have some more Dungers and a rather mad looking Swordswoman.

Oddity Miniatures Pledge Themselves To A Dark Paladin


Check out this Dark Paladin that has been finished by Oddity Miniatures.

Battlebox & Beyond: Cryx


Kev & Mike sit down for the last of the Warmachine Battlebox & Beyond series. On the block now is the Cryx. Below is the list of what Kev and Mike have picked out to advance your forces.

Scibor Go Adventuring With A New Warrior & Ranger


Scibor delve into more heroic figures for their fantasy line. I can't wait for that Dwarf Ranger!

Dying Star: Oblivion Finish Their Virtue Earth Reaver


Check out the rules and an awesome model for Dying Star: Oblivion. This guy is certainly a great looking figure.

Hell Dorado Welcomes More Heroes & Villains


Check out some more fantastic heroes and villains (mostly villains) for the world of Hell Dorado.

Unboxing Ko Dali, The Nuem & The Convergence Battlebox


So guys its time for another week full of killer miniatures.

Sally 4th Prepare More Siege Equipment


Check out some awesome new siege equipment from Sally 4th!

The Mortans Of Godslayer Serve In Life And Death


Check out some shambling undead additions to your Mortan force for Godslayer.

The Anima Tactics Holy Empire Gains A New Sword


Check out another work-in-progress sculpt from Cipher Studios as they add to the Anima Tactics range.

The Ralgard Fleet Continues To Grow For Uncharted Seas


Check out another ship that's on the way for Uncharted Seas courtesy of Spartan Games.

Freebooter’s Hire An Amazonian Warrior & Undead Deckhands


It's time to get piratical once again with a look at some new models coming to Freebooter's Fate.

High Paladin Dartan Vilmon – Building a Lava Base


Romain begins work on High Paladin Dartan Vilmon, kicking off by building him a rather fetching base which will be turned in to a lava-scape in this tutorial series.

Manorhouse Workshop Provide New IndieGoGo Accessories


Check out some of the accessories you can get your hands on from Manorhouse Workshop. Their buildings are fantastically realised.

Spellcrow Show Off Awesome Space Elf Torsos


Check out some awesome looking bitz coming your way from Spellcrow.

Lead Your Dwarves With Scibor’s New Stunty Lord


Scibor have sent out another Dwarf Lord to take command of their huge armies.

CP Models Learn The Way Of The Shaolin Monk


Check out some Shaolin Monks from the folks at CP Models Miniatures. They are perfect for role-playing I'd say!

Spartan Build More Ships For Uncharted Seas


Check out some previews of upcoming Uncharted Seas models. It isn't over yet!

The Bushido Silvermoon Trade Syndicate Gets Some Muscle


Another miniature is presented in artwork form for the upcoming Silvermoon Trade Syndicate. This time they have hired some considerable muscle.

The Forsaken Princess Heads Out Hunting Witches


Check out one of the latest miniatures from Ax Faction. The Forsaken Princess is both armed and dangerous!

Center Stage Enter The Domain Of The Splinter Drake


Check out this awesome looking Splinter Drake from the folks at Center Stage Miniatures. It truly is a sight to behold.

The Balescorch Cyclops; We’re Going To Need A Bigger Sword


Check out just how big the Balescorch Cyclops is going to be when it comes to reinforce the Banebrood horde in Godslayer.

Bring On Explosive Greenskin Death In Kings Of War


Check out some explosive content for the Ogre armies charging their way into the world of Kings of War!

Terragnosis Bring More Heroes To Ruination


Check out some pre-order and released heroes from Terragnosis. What do you think of these 54mm characters?

The Giants Gog & Magog Rise From Copplestone Casting


Check out this pair of awesome looking 15mm Giants from Copplestone Casting.

Explore More Models From The Dying Star Kickstarter


Check out some more of the sculpts from the Dying Star: Oblivion Kickstarter. The Earth Reaver is looking awesome!

Dark-Art-Studios Finds A Minotaur In The Labyrinth


Check out the newest work-in-progress piece from Dark-Art-Studios. Is this up your street or something you wouldn't touch with a barge pole?

Sword & Board Show You Can Even Brainwash A Hobbit


Check out a twisted Halfling that has been captured and turned within the bowels of the Shadow Hold!

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