Time for a bit of Warmachine painting where Romain breaks out a Cygnar Trencher and shows us how to work on these boys in blue!
Tabletop World have something epic coming towards the middle of November. See what you think of their teaser for the Coaching Inn!
See what the future might hold for Battle Systems and also look forwards to some more machinery and epic add-ons for the sci-fi terrain they have been selling like hot cakes.
The new Starter Set for Nemesis by Zenit Miniatures has been revealed. What do you think of the models on offer? Have they drawn you in?
Hello and welcome to the Kingdom Death weather forecast. First up it looks like we are all in for a truly impressive Stormy Knight.
Megalith Games have announced that now their troop miniatures are going to be available on their online store individually, so if you fancy a particular mini you don't have to buy the whole unit.
The deadly looking Nezumi Kun is stalking through the shadows of Bushido. What do you think of this prehensile tail master?
Over on the Kickstarter for Journey: Wrath of Demons a special treat appeared for Halloween, a Chinese zombie known as the Jiangshi.
The great sculptors over at Greebo Games have put out a quick teaser vid showing off the next swarm of miniatures they are working on. Beware the Japanese rats of the Hand of Death.
Time for the conclusion to what has been an amazing game of Kings of War! Let us see how it all comes to a close and who will stand victorious upon the field of battle!
Now to uncover more about one of the final factions for Kings of War. We've saved probably the best for last as the guys get a look at the forces of evil in Mantica as they delve into the Abyss.
It's time to head down to the crypts and uncover what we can from dusty tomes about the Undead faction for Kings of War. Time to take over the world of the living!
We've chatted about the Goblin faction and now it's time for us to have a look at the miniatures. What kind of little critters can you get your hands on to bolster this sneaky force?
We have another Kings of War veteran stepping up to the council of war to dictate exactly what kind of Orc army you should be thinking of taking. Hmm, I wonder what an Orc council of war is actually like?
Norsgard are bringing in some magical and martial support in the form of the Death Guard who can do both at the swing of a scythe.
Get fighting with some new Orcs coming to the world of Shieldwolf Miniatures!
Who doesn't love Goblins? Those sneaky, thieving little gits have a special place in the hearts of all gamers, and the races of Mantica. Wait what am I saying?! They're like rats infesting every corner of the world and need to be killed on sight!
When normal Elves go evil they become Dark Elves. When Mantic Elves go properly evil they become Twilight Kin! Let's see what the guys have to say about one of the most insidious races in Kings of War.
Another Kickstarter is coming and this time it's Sword & Board themed! The miniatures have been waiting in the wings for a while now and it's about time we saw what they are all leading too.
We're delving into the evil side of Mantica with the Abyssal Dwarfs! Warren and James will be discussing the ins and outs of this army of nasty little fellows.
Now for one of those classic fantasy races, the Orcs! We're back with another look at this particular breed of green skins and will uncover what makes this army tick.
If you're interested in how to build an army list for Kings of War then Pathfinder for Mantic, Christopher Nicholls, has two that might get you excited. Check out his Goblin and Abyssal Dwarf army within!
The miniature for the Jade Mamba Guard of Bushido is ready and has appeared, katana swinging and prepared to deal death to any who cross the Ito Clan.
Time for a look at the Forces of Nature Faction. Will Warren and James head off for a spot of tree hugging, or will they be calling forth the creatures of the deep woods to do battle?
What happens when you bring together game creator Alessio Cavatore with illustrator Ralph Horsley? It seems you get a mysterious teaser trailer from River Horse.
Otherworld Miniatures, the makers of cool, classic style fantasy figures, have put out a piece of awesome cover art, depicting a dragon, some stalwart adventurers and the title Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish. What could this mean?
They're big, they're bad, they're coming to rock your world! It is, of course, the Ogres! These guys seem to be your big, nasty beat stick army for your Kings of war battles, but what will the guys make of them?
The guys get their teeth sunk into the Kingdoms of Men faction for Kings of War. From the looks of things, this will be the faction to let you bring whatever you want to the table in terms of alternate minis and such.
Spellcrow Miniatures show off their finished Pumpkin Adventurer and he would be an ace addition to a role-play!
We're taking another look at the Kings of War Two Player Starter Set as Kieran Merigo heads out on the journey to become a King of War. Keep an eye out for much more on this quest in the future!
Darksword Miniatures get you sorted for Halloween with two special miniatures for 2013. Which one will you be picking up?
Time for more cool stuff from the vaults of mantic as Justin and James check out what you'll be getting in the Ogre army.
What do you think of this eerie priest that has stalked into the world of Tercio Creativo?
We've been seeing 3D renders for Sword and Board Games' upcoming fantasy game Twelve Elements of War for some time and now the first resin production mini has been unveiled.
Romain is ready to paint up the dress on his Twilight Kin Sorceress, so he has decided to give her a little black number that I think you will all enjoy.
Warhammer Fantasy is, and forever will be, my first love in gaming, so the addition of a new supplement should be an interesting addition to my games. Get ready as Games Workshop bring Triumph and Treachery to Warhammer Fantasy.
Time for a look at the Dwarf Faction for Kings of War! It seems like Mantic have made sure they are just as we know and love them; short, angry and lovers of good drink!
Bring on the reaper of souls thanks to Dark Hammer Miniatures. This mighty warrior from the nether realm should be an awesome addition to their Oriental collection.
The guys move along to the next faction from Kings of War. The discussion this time turns to the Elves of Mantica and we get an in depth look at this long living race.
Some massive monstrous hounds are stalking you in the recent updates from Mierce Miniatures and their Darklands campaign. Will you be getting the big or the even bigger beasts?
Learn more about the mechanics and a little bit of the history behind the development of Wrathborn.