The Mork Tribe Grows As The Undead Rise in Norsgard

October 30, 2012 by brennon

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Both the Mork Tribe and the Order of the Ram are getting some new additions to their ranks in the world of Norsgard. Check out both the Fallen and the Tribal Warriors below...

Fallen Berserker - Order of the Ram

Mork Tribe Warrior

As you can see these are at varying stages of production. We saw the concept art for the Fallen last week, but here he is ready for the battlefield complete with mighty sword. The Mork Tribe warriors are looking cool too, with something of the Conan the Barbarian about them. I could see them being great role-playing miniatures as well as useful in the game of Norsgard.


The Undead are also coming to Norsgard, quite fitting for Halloween week really! Above is a piece of concept art for the Harpy, a winged yet sultry looking lady ready to tear your eyes out no doubt! It will be interesting to see what else they have behind the scenes for the Undead faction.

What do you think of these new previews?

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