Massive Hydra from Rusted Hereos
March 19, 2011 by beerogre
So the guys from Rusted Hereos have embarked on a range of big monsters, that they've named their Ancients range.
It's a great looking big of kit, just right for mashing those dungeon delvers in a D&D game or perhaps bulking out your Dark Elf beastmaster units for WHFB.
What do you think guys... many-headed mayhem... or scaly fail?
BoW Andy
That’s not half bad !
Okay, so there’s need for putty filling near where the ehad attach, but that’s perfectly fine…
Some of the other minis from this range are quite cool, by the way. I’d buy that if I needed more adventurer minis for my Pathfinder games…
I think it is an awesome sculpt. I really like the plugs on the heads and tail which will make for a very easy assembly.
Wow very neat monster, I want.