Holiday Horrors from Scibor Monstrous
November 23, 2011 by beerogre
It's getting close to the Xmas season... so Scibor Monstrous have created some festive models... possibly not the sort you were thinking of!
There are also some sinister Xmas decorations, just waiting to be hidden on your tree...
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Teddy has been a naughty bear
According to Looby Loo. So he is getting what he deserves from Bad Santa
My daughter will love those decorations!
Ooh Squig baubles!
They’ve even evolved Night Gobbo-shaped heads!
Just remember kiddies, these are resin, so don’t throw them in the big box with the rest. Especially since they look as if they’d happily eat them… 😉
Thing is, what happens if you leave them up after 12th Night?
Who is going to win; the mischievious spirit who breaks the decorations, or the decorataions?
That is one of the things I like about Scibor is they really go to town with the season as I’ve seen some of the other x-mas goodies they did before.
Yeah, but do people actually buy them??? I mean this site probably sees some of the most dedicated miniature fans around. Have any of you bought a christmas themed miniature to use in a game?
For a game? No (well, maybe Malifaux or something). But for a painting project some of these kinds of minis might be fun. Actually thinking about the 40K send-up in another news post, if GW would cop to it and release a Christmas Morathi the Hag Queen, covered up with scarf and mittens, I would buy the hell out of it. Gel’s liable to catch her death.