Hobgoblins & More On The Horizon For Russian Alternative

November 30, 2013 by brennon

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Thanks to Miniatures.Ru for filling us in on this one again but the future is looking decidedly deadly for Russian Alternative as they have plans to release more Chaos Dwarfs and a new unit, Hobgoblins!

Chaos Dwarves with Great Weapons


They are all certainly very nasty looking individuals and I wouldn't like to cross them on a dark night. The Chaos Dwarf models are indeed looking very cool and I like that they are expanding the range with some more weapon options.

My one point is that while they are very nice looking, they are typical Chaos Dwarf models. I was discussing this very point with some friends last night and how it would be neat to see some more alternatives to this style. I'd like to see a more viking looking 'berserk' evil Dwarf as an alternative to the Babylonian look.

Not that it's always a bad thing of course and it works here very well. The Hobgoblins are very fun looking indeed and I can't wait to see the models. Goblins have always provided us gamers with a neat amount of fun and that shows here. Nice artwork!

Bring them on Russian Alternative!

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