Fancy a Drink in the Deep Cut Studios Tavern?
January 20, 2012 by brennon
We have seen some terrain from these guys before, but this week has also seen Deep Cut Studios release a new piece for your gaming boards, the Tavern.
Hard wearing and completely compatible with the rest of their range, allowing you to make some pretty interesting creations. With my dwarfs constantly looking for their next pint, this might be a good stop off for them in the future.
What do you guys make of this latest terrain piece?
Nice but a bit plain – I wonder if the technology would allow you to scoot the laser along slow enough to cut into the mdf but fast enough so it didn’t cut through letting them “etch” brickwork, tiles etc into the building 🙂
It will be interesting to see how far they can get this tech and what it allows them to do. Could always see if you could ‘clad’ it in the effect your looking for from other bits and pieces from bitz boxes.
I think I saw some brick detailing on the Rorke’s drift buildings.
If there was one thing that I would say has and will change the hobby over the last and coming 12 months, this laser cut terrain would be it.
Its affordable , us mere mortals can make it easily, and a bit of paint from even my stubby hands can make it look presentable. Terrain has always, in my eyes, been the hardest bit for your average group of friends who play a couple of games every week to get right.
Yes, detail can be added by the lasers and the ones I have seen look suburb such as Warlord Games Roukes Drift. I really can’t see the point of this building, sure it looks nice but would only take an hour to make one yourself, the time consuming bit is in the detail and finishing and this is where help is required.
It would be much nicer if there were brick and roof tiling detailing, I would have also liked to have seen smaller details like window sills, which could have easily been included (slot in through holes under the windows). Plus, no tavern is complete without a sign hanging out front! I’m lucky enough to work in a school that has a laser cutter, so am going to try my hand at making some templates, I’ve already made some Ultramarine based templates for 40k and they turned out brilliantly. If I can mass make terrain like this, our school boards will… Read more »
Hope they can update this with some fine detail and a pub sign. I think more of us will want it then.
I don’t know about what you can do to come up with more interesting detail for the MDF structures we are seeing (Different designs or builds using just the MDF). You are essentially limited to your base material, which is always a 2 dimensional planar surface. The Rorke’s Drift set looked detailed in that they used the laser cutter to etch out some brick, but really you could do the same thing with paint. Bottom line is that this stuff will always be very geometrically restricted. I’ve seen some stuff that does look really good, creative angling / geometry and… Read more »
It would go to 11 if it had roof tiles or the rokes drift furry thatch and brick or stone detailing on the walls
I see potential but its not totally there yet
Etching would look much better than painting and in fairness etching is really easy (just use a second colour to set the etch areas). The HDF catwalks are a great example of how adding detail can make HDF go from ‘meh’ to ‘wow!’.