Dying Star: Oblivion Shows Progress On The Waveriders
July 18, 2013 by brennon
Dying Star: Oblivion are still powering on with their Kickstarter as it enters its final week or so. With that comes a new preview for one of the female Waverider...
Once again they have gone for their artwork to render style and then we'll see it out in miniature form. What I like about these guys is that they have found a nice style and stuck to it. As well as that the artwork always looks very close to the final figure.
With this one we obviously have a female figure instead of the male from the artwork but I think they've done well to keep the armour the same without making it impractical for a tabletop female.
Go check out the rest of their Kickstarter!
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‘dying’ star seems quite apt for this kickstarter
Its sad that the only guy giving the project any attention is the sculptor.
I’m still in on this but don’t hold out any hope that it will get funded at the moment, unless they manage to pull a load of great stuff in the last few days.
Shame because there is some cool looking ideas
But there are just so many kickstarters
and the kickstarters are competing not only with each other for our cash, but also with the masses of shiney we already collect.
I hope that if, as is looking likely, the KS fails to achieve its goal, they can reevaluate and repackage. Good luck to them.