Cool Mini Or Not Release a Study of the Female Body (NSFW)

July 27, 2012 by dracs

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Cool Mini or Not are continuing their trend of provocative sculpts with three new Nude Study miniatures.

Cool Mini or Not - Nude Study 3

Cool Mini or Not - Nude Study 1

Cool Mini or Not - Nude Study 2

OK while there is way too much pointless female nudity in the miniature industry at the moment these ones have had all pretence stripped away (along with their clothes). The whole point of these is that they're naked, not just the gratuitous nudity of the warrior women or mech pilots we have seen before.

Don't get me wrong, they're still rather pointless, but their not bad sculpts and you could see them being used in plenty of dioramas. Maybe they could even serve as just a painting challenge, practice to help you get skin tone and shading down.

But why, Cool Mini Or Not, are you making so many of these naked minis? Is there not enough material to make a t-shirt?

What is your opinion of all these nude sculpts? Is there a point to them or are they just nudity for the sake of seeing boobs?

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