Azhag the Slaughterer & His Army List
January 26, 2012 by dignity
Azhag and Skullmuncha make a fantastic centre-piece to a massive Orc & Goblin horde... Darrell and Warren put pen to paper and create a deadly entourage to showcase this fearsome general.
you can only have 2 of the same rare in less then 3000points and that goes upto 4 in a grand army so 2 units of 3 or 1 unit of 6.
i would always go 6, 3 wide with mosters they just hurt + the vomnit over the shoulder would be great.
So thats the great tactical genius tricks of using Azhag. Move him silently and make loads of stupid noises when moving the rest of your army. Sounds like it might work 🙂
I have the impression they got the horde rule wrong. Only the front gets the full attacks, the rest gets one attack each.
azhag couldprobably quite devastating to wood elves no warmachines and mostpeople people are to lazy to make a forest dragon so it’s quite safe and may actually work.