AOS Battletome Roadmap Preview & New Chaos Daemon Prince!

May 3, 2022 by fcostin

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There has been a new roadmap of releases announced over on the Warhammer Community, as Battletome: Slaves to Darkness is underway. Revealing what is coming up this year for Battletomes in AoS, and a sneaky peek into the brand new Chaos Daemon Prince Model.

Daemon Prince Preview - Warhammer Community

Daemon Prince Preview // Warhammer Community

Starting with the miniature, compared to the older model this Daemon Prince looks a lot more swole than the last. Spending more time in the gym, and rocking a wonderful smile that'd be sure to break a mirror - but looks nowhere near as hefty as Be'lakor.

Previous Daemon Prince - Warhammer Community

Previous Daemon Prince Preview // Warhammer Community

"This mutated creature has been blessed with manifold malevolent gifts, received in reward for walking the Eightfold Path. This gory feat has led to the ultimate prize – immortal daemonhood.*" - Warhammer Community

Alongside the release of the Daemon Prince, the new Battletome will contain "heralds of new monsters", pushing the Prince himself to the forefront of danger.

AoS Battletome Roadmap - Warhammer Community

AoS Battletome Roadmap // Warhammer Community

Just before we head into Warhammer Fest, GW prep us with previews and pre-releases giving us an insight to what we could expect from the event. Releasing the remainder of the year's Battletomes, and each singular release before the final push of Slaves to Darkness this Winter.

So if you have interest to where Warhammer Age of Sigmar might be headed this year - GW have confirmed that they will be speaking about the Battletome: Slaves to Darkness, and this magnificent Daemon Prince, all you have to do is log in to Twitch from Wednesday, and reap in the previews and teases.

GW Skull Count: I have 11 skulls on the new Daemon Prince model including his own. Am I missing any?

"compared to the older model this Daemon Prince looks a lot more swole than the last."

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