Fight With The Heroes Of The Latari Elves In RuneWars

July 12, 2017 by dracs

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Fantasy Flight will soon be releasing the Infantry Command set for the Latari Elves of RuneWars, and have published a preview detailing the sort of heroes we can expect to find within.

Latari Elves

The set includes four infantry command figures to lead these woodland elves, namely the Champion, the Starling musician, the Herald, and the Storm Sorceress.




Storm Sorceress

Of these the Storm Sorceress would probably be my favourite. I mean Storm Sorceress, come on that is a cool name.

However, the Starling musician steals the show for me simply because I can't see her without picturing this.

Do you collect this faction of RuneWars? Which figure is your favourite?

"Storm Sorceress, come on that is a cool name..."

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