Are You Going To A Star Wars: Legion Launch Weekend Event?

February 28, 2018 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games are going to be running a series of Launch Events at your local gaming stores running from March 22nd – 25th. All of this is in order for you to get stuck into the world of Star Wars: Legion on the tabletop!

Star Wars Legion Launch Weekend - FFG

You will be able to not only pick up your Core Set for the game but also take part in a range of challenges like a Step-by-Step Build & Play, Challenge Duels, and a Painting Contest. So, whatever you enjoy doing as part of the hobby there will be something for you.

Star Wars Legion Launch Weekend Accessories - FFG

All of the various activities will help you get playing Star Wars: Legion. The Build & Play challenge has you slowly working through your force and trying out each of the units in a few days. The Challenge Duels pit specific units and leaders against each other to see who comes out on top.

Finally, the Painting Contest allows you to get some paint down on those models and walk away with an ace certificate if you win! You will also be able to get a bunch of participation prizes for taking part too.

So, make sure that your local store is running one of these events and go along!

Are you going?

"So, make sure that your local store is running one of these events and go along!"

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