Get More Details On Leia Organa Expansion For Star Wars: Legion

May 9, 2018 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games has dropped more details on the upcoming Leia Organa expansion for Star Wars: Legion. The tough leading lady of the original trilogy is ready to get stuck into the action.

Leia Organa - Star Wars Legion

Leia Organa will be available very soon and inside the set you get not only her miniature but also a range of upgrades and additional cards which tailor your force towards her way of playing. She is no slouch with a blaster or up close, able to bring the same healthy number of dice to each encounter.

Leia Organa (Cards) - Star Wars Legion

She also has the Sharpshooter ability which makes her a keen shot, able to worry squads even when they've taken cover. Her commanding presence is the real power here though, able to offer out those Dodge tokens to different units and Inspire those who have taken losses, getting them back into the fight.

He brings some very effective command cards to the game too. Coordinated Bombardment is my favourite as Leia uses her rank and office to order capital ships in space to rain down fire on her enemies.

Leia Organa (Cards Alt) - Star Wars Legion

Somebody Has To Save Our Skins is the other card that really popped out for me from the set as it gives you even more flexibility when it comes to ordering your force on the tabletop.

I think that Leia is going to be an awesome addition to your force. She might not have the Jedi skills of Luke Skywalker but she is going to make all of your troops fight harder.

What do you think of Leia?

"Coordinated Bombardment is my favourite as Leia uses her rank and office to order capital ships in space to rain down fire on her enemies..."

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