You Are Now In Command of Your Fleet In Star Wars Armada

March 28, 2015 by stvitusdancern

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Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Armada has been finally released. I can honestly tell you it was worth the wait! Even though we had a demo game at last year's GenCon it was really nice to be able to get in a true game.

Star Wars Armada

We have played our first today and it is a very deep and rich game. In the starter box you get 1 Star Destroyer and 6 TIE fighter squadrons along with 2 Rebel Frigates and 4 X-Wing squadrons. On the board it looks a little one sided, but I can tell you it is pretty well balanced. There are quick start rules with a first time game setup and then a second rule book to expand the rules into the more advanced items. The ships look great as they come pre-painted and shaded.


There is some assembly required for stands and such, but if you are familiar with X-Wing then this will seem familiar to you. If you are a Star Wars fan then this set will definitely be a must have item.

Star Destroyer

If you have played X-Wing before you will want to get this as it plays very different and if you are one of those who thought X-Wing did not get deep enough into strategy or tactics for you then will really should look into this game, because depending on the ship you command you maybe planning actions for two to three turns ahead. I think Fantasy Flight Games has another winner on their hands.

Are you prepared to command you fleet and take them into battle for galactic supremacy?

"We have played our first today and it is a very deep and rich game"

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