Fantasy Arc Shows More Progress On Their Wood Elf Settlement

November 30, 2016 by deltagamegirl22

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Fantasy Arc has really gone to town on their Wood Elves project! They've completed the primary house that encircles a tree and now they've added some additional brilliant details to really set the scene.

FA elf house1

There's is a concept for a dam to fortify their defenses on one side of a river, so we now have beautiful wall details and a lovely gate that can open and close to allow their boats through.

FA elf whole with boat

Yes, I said boats! So that means they are working on elven boats as well.

FA elf walkway

I think when all is said and done, they have created a storybook setting worthy of telling a beautiful story on the tabletop. I'm still not entirely sure their intentions with these pieces, but they've definitely captured my attention and shiny syndrome.

What do you think of Fantasy Arc's lovely Wood Elf settlement?

" have beautiful wall details and a lovely gate that can open and close to allow their boats through"

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