Salute 2023 Live Blog!
Welcome to the Salute 2023 Live Blog where we're going to be delving into all of the awesomeness from companies and clubs here down in London at the ExCel Centre.
Salute 2023
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Make sure to get involved as we want to know who you'd love us to talk to here today and what miniature ranges you want us to explore too.
Join us for a weekend of checking out awesome miniatures and participation games from this year's show!
Blogging At This Event:
The Awesomeness Of Airfix - Hugo's Heroes
Hugo’s Heroes are here doing some awesome stuff with a company that I would say a lot of folks tend to have moved away from when it comes to miniature wargaming. Airfix have been making kits for military aircraft, soldiers and more for years now and so it would seem to make sense to play more games using the miniatures they produce.
Well, Hugo’s Heroes are doing just that and have been showing off some classic kits as well as diving into a bit of gaming at the same time, showing off how the miniatures can be used.
Salute 50 Painting Competition - Judging Continues
As judging continues, this year’s process sees many finalists put back in the cabinets quickly, showing those that ‘Made the cut’ but have not placed…
Space Crusade!
A very cool table has been set up which is taking things back in time when it comes to the grimdark. Wait, What? have been getting people involved in a bit of Space Crusade as a battle takes place that will have you putting on the rose-tinted spectacles and getting all nostalgic.
There is some stunning terrain on show here that features lots of classic and modern miniatures, duking it out. I have to give a thumbs up for the amount of detail worked into the boards as it helps to build on the atmosphere.
Soviet & German Tanks Clash - Anschluss Wargames
A bit of World War II from the folks at Anschluss Wargames as they have dived into The Price Of Distraction which covers the German invasion of Russia during Operation Barbarossa. This battle has been played out in 12mm with some brutal battles happening between 2nd Panzer Division and 8th Mechanised Corp.
It’s cool to see lots of different scales being played here at Salute. You don’t just see 28mm and I think that’s in part due to the fact that a lot of wargamers here like the Historical end of things which plays at much smaller scales. That then, hopefully, filters through into other genres!
Bread & Beef: The Battle Of Domstadtl - Ardhammer Group
A fascinating project from some of the folks at the Ardhammer Group caught my attention here at the event. They are running a battle called Bread & Beef which is based on the Battle Of Domstadtl that happened during the Seven Years War. The War Game Rules by Charles Grant are at the heart of this particular battle and yes, that is two entire armies made out of German Flats.
It was fascinating seeing such an old and venerable style of miniature being used and it created quite the effect on the tabletop. You’ve got some stunningly realised armies for both sides here with the Austrians and the Prussians.
Operation Desert Shield - The Friends Of General Haig
Those folks at The Friends Of General Haig don’t seem to stop! They also have another awesome battle being played out that takes place during the Modern era. This one focuses on Operation Desert Shield that happened during 1991 and sees a mass of tanks and other armoured elements powering through the landscape.
Between both armies is quite the no-mans land which seems like the perfect place to be blowing up some tanks. Another glorious board from the team at The Friends Of General Haig I think you’ll agree.
The Battle Of Leutra: Thebes Vs Sparta - Miniature Wargames
Time to dive back into some Historical wargaming from the folks at Miniature Wargames. They have brought an absolutely splendid Ancient wargame to play out using one of their own rulesets.
This comes from John Sutherland himself who wanted to showcase the period in the best way possible. If nothing else, the gaming table showcases the absolute spectacle of Ancient warfare and why you’d want to consider diving into it yourself on the tabletop.
Stalk Through The Snow In The Silver Bayonet
Another of the games that Osprey are showing off here is The Silver Bayonet. This is the sneaky, skirmish game from Joseph A. McCullough where you take control of different warbands during the Napoleonic period that have been tasked with hunting down monsters and more throughout Europe.
This snowy board features a creepy landscape that is most definitely designed to give you the proper vibes for a Silver Bayonet clash. With such a low model count, The Silver Bayonet is certainly worth diving into if you like atmospheric wargaming.
Salute 50 Painting Competition - Shortlisting Begins!
The judges are starting to pull their favourites out of the cabinets.
This year’s judges include Tommie Soule and Duncan Rhodes!
Battle For The Goblin Mine - Oathmark
It’s nice to see some of the wargames from Osprey Games getting an outing here at the show. Oathmark, a brilliant Fantasy wargame from Joseph A. McCullough, is being demoed here at Salute where the Goblins are defending their mine against an assault by a Dwarven army.
Things are being turned on it’s head! Dwarves assaulting a Goblin stronghold? What has the world come to. Oathmark is still a superb game and hopefully, we’ll get more from McCullough and by extension North Star, over the next year or so.
DAK Attack! - Offensive Miniatures
One of the games pretty much right outside our little room is DAK Attack from the folks at Offensive Miniatures. This was originally designed as a solo wargame but can also be played as a multiplayer skirmish affair if you like. As you will have guessed from the name, DAK Attack is set during World War II and the Desert War between the Allies and the Axis.
In this game, you take control of the Long Range Desert Group and you will play out not just one fight but a couple of games spread out across a ten-day campaign of lighting assaults. You will draw from a deck of cards each day to see what new foes you face and in some cases, you might not even be playing out a game. When it comes to actual mechanics, the game uses D10 and D6 with D10 for shooting and D6 for saves.
Offensive Miniatures seem to have found a winner here that could be a lot of fun for World War II lovers.
@peachey ? Is this a weird collaboration or just a weird naming coincidence? XD
A weird naming coincidence that our Peachey also has the same name as the ex-GW chap haha
Check out the Cornish Guys doing Blood and Plunder
been there, did that. I swung by Gringo’s to talk to you and couldn’t see you.
The weekend is here with a bang bang, bang.
Was a fine Salute this year.
Cracking day out.Picked up What a Cowboy amongst all the other shiny stuff i came home with.
Great show. Spent too much!
It’s looked like quite the show. I love looking at all of the pics of the tables and the painting competition. Some day I’ll have to go myself.
Fantastic day, there was soo much I missed mainly because the demo table I was running was busy. May have also pounced on @brennonas he passed minding his own business and gushed about 10mm Dwarfs. ?
I completely missed the 10mm Kings of War
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
A brilliant set of pictures and game descriptions, Ben and team ?. It is really nice to see so many games, especially the ones I missed on the day! ?. Thanks for taking such nice pics and the kind words for the Friends of General Haig tables – much appreciated!
Great catching up with you. One year I hope to get to play a game
You’d be very welcome, Gerry ?. Perhaps we’d get a proper fiery Lion of the North ?.
he just needs a morale style test that forces him to advance towards the closest enemy he can see, drop in a modifier per turn to account for build up of smoke and other distractions as the battle progresses that makes it more likely he’ll hare off like a Swedish Lion after a target.
Good idea. I think there do need to be some tweaks for generals etc. There were many instances of commanders being injured in actual battles, but I think the risk reward thing is putting people off doing it in my games. Will have a think – thanks for the ideas ?.
Glad the show went well for all from what folk are saying
Hope the traders found it profitable as well