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Konflikt ’47 Battle Report: The Fight For Pegasus Bridge

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Join Justin & John as they get stuck into a Bolt Action Konflikt '47 Battle Report where they are fighting over Pegasus Bridge! It's time for a bit of alternative history with a dose of Weird World War from Warlord Games.

Konflikt '47 Battle Report: The Fight For Pegasus Bridge

John is taking command of the German Army defending the bridge while Justin controls a US army that wants to storm ahead to try and take the bridge.

It's going to be a fierce battle where both sides are going to have to put their all into it!

Who do you think is going to be able to take the day?

Blogging At This Event:

johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger
dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger
johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

Welcome To The Battlefield At Pegasus Bridge

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Justin and John bring Konflikt '47 to Pegasus Bridge, as they re-fight this historical battle Weird War Style!

The Americans are going to be taking on the Germans in this struggle for control of this vital military location.

johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

The German Forces

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John talks through the German Army List he is using to defend Pegasus Bridge.

The shambling undead and new technology mixes with the tried and tested German warmachine of World War II.

dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

The U.S Forces Revealed

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Justin explains his American force and what he needs to do to claim victory.

As with the Germans we're showing off just what you can do when you mix in this newfangled Weird World War technology with the traditional weapons of World War II.

Traffic Jam!

Traffic Jam!No Comments
dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn One Gets Under Way

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Justin talks through the opening moves of this battle and you can already tell that things are getting tactical.

What would your first move be?

johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn One Round-Up

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As the first turn comes to an end John talks through how it has gone.

The first moves are always tentative but sometimes you might just have to go with it!

Would you have done anything differently?

General McAuley Ponders His Next Move

General McAuley Ponders His Next MoveNo Comments
johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Two Mid-Point - Firing Positions Lads!

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John explains how the Germans are moving to good firing positions and begin to put down some hurt on Justin's Americans.

It's always rewarding to be the one calling the shots and the Germans excel at doing that.

dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Two Round-Up

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Things are starting to heat up as both forces close the gap between each other.

With a few casualties already starting to pop up for both sides it will be now or never for their plans.

dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Three - Artillery FUBAR!


There's always one...

...Justin has made what could be an important mistake with his artillery!

johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Three - FUBAR Results!

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With Pins-a-plenty and units taking severe damage Justin's Artillery finally ceases fire.

What was the outcome of this disastrously mistimed strike?

The General's Morale Wavers

The General's Morale WaversNo Comments
dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Three - Has Justin Started To Recover?

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After that disastrous series of events has Justin managed to pull his army together and regain some forward momentum?

Find out as we see if the US can continue to push forward under fire from their own allies!

dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Three - The Officers Want To Go Home!


Justin's command structure is feeling a little shaky once again - maybe there is going to be some mutiny in the ranks?

Another Morale Test For The Americans

Another Morale Test For The AmericansNo Comments
johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

End Of Turn Three - That Bridge Looks Further Away!

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John's confidence grows as the US forces seem impotent against the veteran German forces.

Are the US ever going to be able to close the gap and take control of that bridge?

johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Four - The Americans Gain Some Ground

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The Germans come under pressure as Justin begins to push his forces forward.

Considering their past troubles could we finally be seeing a change in the flow of this game - the Americans are nothing if not persistent!

Is it too little too late?

dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Four Round-Up - What A Sneaky Jeep!

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Justin has to think outside the box as the game comes to a close and his main force is still out of reach of the objective.

So, without further ado we bring into play the sneaky jeep tactic.

Where is that Tiger when you need it?

Where is that Tiger when you need it? No Comments
johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

Turn Five - This Is Where Pinning Matters!

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Is John's forces starting to waver? Can Justin pull victory from the jaws of defeat?

The use of Pinning in Bolt Action and Konflikt '47 becomes more prevalent than ever as it becomes the key towards stopping units from being fully effective.

johnlyons German Commander Entries by this blogger

End Of Turn Five - And The Winner Is?

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The moment we have been waiting for! Can Justin do it? Or will John push his veterans to one final victory?

Catch up with the guys as they get stuck into the final moments of the game and see if the Allies or the Axis will take the day.

dignity US Commander Entries by this blogger

Battle Report Wrap Up - So Who Won?


Justin and John sit down to discuss the scenario and try to figure out who actually won.

With a game where tactical movement become the real key to victory it could easily have gone either way.

Let us know in the comments what you think.

The bridge is clear, ADVANCE!

The bridge is clear, ADVANCE!No Comments

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Cult of Games Member

Well this was nice to come home to on a Monday evening …… Thanks gents =)

Cult of Games Member

Guys this looks wicked, is there going top be just one video off the complete game to watch…?



At the very top of the page is an auto playlist that will play everything one after the other 🙂


Cool…like that a lot 🙂


awesome game ….made my morning……would have liked to see the german tanks on the other side of the river adding their fire in support of the defending force


Wouldn’t have made any difference but Hitler’s Buzzsaw rule does not apply for vehicle mounted machine guns.


From the American side, I would have been more aggressive and pushed fast up the left flank to try and finish the units in front of the bridge, rather than hanging back and trying to fight on all fronts. Maybe keep one unit and the Sherman-T at the back to stop being flanked and attacked from the rear.


I’ll enjoy going through this later. I hope someday that the autoplay can be made to work on tablets.


@warzan none of the videos work on my Android tablet, but they do on my android phone. Has the encoding changed? I can watch yesterday’s xlbs with no problems


Loved the game and the scenarios. I love how K47 can add that weird without it completely taking over the main story.


transport,transport,transports it would have been easier to swamp johns left flank and drive up the road to the objective.


Awesome battle report and I think I will pick up the German starter set. It was good to see some of the stuff I painted being played….


Great battle report chaps..

Cult of Games Member

It wouldn’t have mattered but once a jeep is armed it loses the transport rule and is no longer destroyed by being closer to enemy units.

However your armored half tracks still are. Quite bizarre.


Great battle report folks.

Cult of Games Member

I like the scenario. Couldn’t you have added an other turn or would this give more benefit to the German forces. Or give the option of a free optional move for the Americans so you can bring forward some units.


Good game guys. I would have made repairing the bridge an active element; make a dice roll (or more) to get it done and allow the troops in.
Maybe you could then:
a) Blow up the bridge
b) Kill the engineering team

By the way… Feierfrei?? You know you just called for a party, right?
If you know Rammstein you should know how to pronounce that word.

You also forgot to shout “Gehiiiirrrnn!” every time the Totenkorps moved.

Cult of Games Member

A bridge too far ?
Nope, that’s saturday 😉


I could watch up until round four and them my iPhone couldn’t play the videos no more with the current set up.. Whatever that means.
Indunno who’s won but I’m sure @johnlyons has led the glorious FJR6 to their next victory 😎
Great stuf gentlemen, I could watch a battle rep every day!


I agree with Justin, it was a German victory


Also, the German spider mech, Der Spinne, is pronounced Shpin-uh, with the i pronounced like the i in spin, as in spinning a web. This is your moment of pronunciation pedantry, since there always needs to be someone who says it. 🙂 Great play by play, hope to see more in the future!


Brilliant, loving these battles and the way they’re documented. More please, superb and really interesting.


Great video guys! couple of mistakes that i noticed though: 1) Nothing is keeping the spider from using all its weapons in a turn, it does not suffer from the “single crew” special rule. 2) Infantry can fire their at-weapons and their small arms at different targets, so john could have killed the coyote and the heavy infantry – just the guys using the Panzerfäuste can’t shoot with anything else. 3) HE 3D6 also gives you +4 Pen, Justin’s poor infantry would have suffered even more. Tactics wise: with this army, justin could have pushed way more aggressive with all… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

the totally-not-zombies were not completely useless though.
The fact that the american infantry had to kill them was a distraction that they could have done without.


estimating 8-10 zombies based on the starterset containing 8, they cost around 60-70 points, a basic unit of 3 schreckwulfen (why on earth they did not just use “Werwölfe” is beyond me) costs only 60 and would have ripped&teared the g.i.s being fast and still causing horror. or he could have used nachtjäger for 68 points, those can fly and are strong so could have caused even more havok. sorry to say, but totenkorps only make sense if you use them to give your guys the 5+ medic save….


I think they are sticking to the two Konflikt ’47 Starter sets for most of these early battle reports.


Also, you could try editing the scenario so that after a certain turn, you make a roll to see if the Germans repaired the bridge. For an example, on Turn 4 you roll the die and on a 6 you repair the bridge and the scenario is over, and if it’s 5 or less the game continues. At the end of the next turn the game ends if you roll a 5 or 6. Next turn 4,5, or 6; and so on.


….Amazing BatRep guys…..I actually don’t Have the manual but in your Batrep on 2nd Edition Bolt Action there was a Flak Rule that was used against the “Plane” delivering the Artillery attack…You didn’t use it because it was a direct Artilery Attack or was just forgotten?….


That rule is for an airstrike called in by an FAO, not a Artillery barrage called in by an FOO.


…..after reading your response i checked the 2nd edition Battlereport and indeed, they do say aerial observer, Definetely missed that when i watch it the first time and that got me confused….Thank you very Much 😀


gentlemanly conduct befitting officers .
Johns raised eyebrow after the a bridge too far that Justin rightly couldn’t resist made me chuckle.


The german spider-tank “Spinne” is pronounced SHPENN-UH not SPINE