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Flames Of War D-Day Boot Camp: Saturday

Flames Of War D-Day Boot Camp: Saturday

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Come and join us for an awesome weekend of content as we're hanging out with the Battlefront Miniatures team and our community members here as we get stuck into Flames Of War to commemorate D-Day.

Comment To Win!

Comment on any of the blog posts every day for your chance to win one of three Flames of War bundles made up of the Hit The Beach box set, Fortress Europe, and Colours of War.

We've got lots of awesome content lined up over the weekend including hobby videos, interviews, history lessons and of course plenty of gameplay and action from the Boot Camp itself.

Start Playing Flames Of War Yourself!

If you want to get stuck into Flames Of War then you have some awesome options...

Make sure you check out all of the offerings from Battlefront Miniatures and let us know which faction you'll be picking.

Blogging At This Event:

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avernos Desert Squirrel Entries by this blogger
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ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger
ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Welcome to Day Two of the Flames of War D-Day Boot Camp


It’s time for day two of our Flames of War D-Day Boot Camp and the excitement is building!

Battlefront Miniatures have joined us for the weekend as our group of hobbyists and wargamers build their armies and face off on the tabletop. If you comment on any one of the blog posts every day you will be in with a chance to win the Hit The Beach box set, Fortress Europe, and Colours of War. This morning our boot campers are putting the finishing touches on their armies before bringing to the tables for some epic clashes. And Battlefront Miniatures were kind enough to give all our boot campers a copy of Fortress Europe and a pack of unit cards for each faction!

Comment to Win!

There are plenty of prizes to be won this weekend so don’t worry if you couldn’t make it in person. We have the Hit the Beach box set to give away alongside the Fortress Europe and Colours of War books. So if you want to be in with a chance to win these amazing prizes then comment down below on any of the blog posts.

Welcome to Day Two of the Flames of War D-Day Boot Camp

Keep an eye on the live blog all of today as we have tonnes of content with re-enactors, unboxings, and tactic chats.

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Flames of War D-Day Boot Camp - Be In With A Chance to Win Big Prizes!


For this very special boot camp weekend, Battlefront Miniatures have prepared three Flames of War Bundles.

If you comment on any one of the blog posts every day you will be in with a chance to win the Hit The Beach box set, Fortress Europe, and Colours of War.

Flames of War D-Day Boot Camp - Be In With A Chance to Win Big Prizes!

ONE bundle will be given away every day and you can get your chance to win one by commenting on the main Live Blog AND on the Blog Posts themselves.

Winners will be announced on our Claim a Prize page.

What side do you want to roll out on the table?

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Some Last Minute Prep For The Boot Camp Armies


Some of our boot campers were in first thing this morning to add all of the delightful details to their armies.

The energy is electric in the hobby hall as our hobbyists are gearing up for a big day of wargaming!

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Justin takes a look at the packed Hit the Beach Box Set


Justin is joined by Chris from Battlefront Miniatures to talk about what’s found in the Hit the Beach box set.

the box set is packed with two full forces for you and a friend to roll out on the table. But in addition to all the tanks and infantry, it comes with all the player aids, instruction manuals, and dice so that you can get a game up and running as soon as possible.

Which force would you like to run on the tabletop?

He's Behind You...

He's Behind You...18 Comments
dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Talking Tactics With Gerry and Justin


Justin and Gerry get their tactic brains on to discuss what strategies the players might attempt on the tables today.

Between the different sorts of terrain available and the mix of forces, Gerry deconstructs how best to use the resources available to deliver that sweet sweet alpha strike Justin loves so much!

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Armies Are Getting Battle Ready On The Tabletop


Some of the boot campers are chomping at the bit to get their forces on the table for some practice games!

The Hit the Beach starter sets are looking great on our tables as Bob and Kacper line up for a practice game on one of the tables. but across the hobby hall we have one or two tank platoons inching their way to deployment lines!

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

The Big Four of Late War Article Series - The Americans


The team over at Battlefront Miniatures have been working hard on an article series which covers the four main nations of the late war period in World War 2. One of their four contributors to the blog series is Victor Pesch who is looking at the American forces.

The Big Four of Late War Article Series - The Americans

“Victor “el Presidente” Pesch is the ring leader of Big Four, having come up with the entire concept of embarking on the Journey alongside our players. Known in the Studio for his painting prowess he spends his days wrangling Photoshop and InDesign working as a Graphic Designer, whilst his nights are spent working on whatever new project takes his fancy. He has his eyes set on an American force filled with Sherman tanks. For now…”

You can follow Victor’s progress with the American forces here.

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Taking a Look at the Packed American Starter Bundle


Justin sits down with Chris to look at the American Starter Force bundle from Battlefront Miniatures.

this box is jam-packed with Shermans and Stuart tanks but there is always room for some infantry in the box. The question remains as to how you might assemble this bundle out on the tabletop!

What do you think of the forces included in the American Starter Bundle?

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

German Re-Enactors Looking Great


The German forces have called in reinforcements as Lewis leads a group of infantry at the Boot Camp today.

Luckily John and Laura are floating around to provide a counterbalance to the German threat as they are suited and booted in their finest American uniforms.

Flames of War Late War Now available from the OnTableTop Store!

1 Comment

Feel inspired to get into Flames of War? Then grab one of the latest starter sets available from our web store:

Flames of War Late War Now available from the OnTableTop Store!
johnlyons Tank God Entries by this blogger

Chris Explains How To Introduce Your Friends To Flames Of War


John asks Chris a few questions about how he introduces people to Flames of War.

So you’ve got your new starter bundle. A Hit the Beach box set for you and a friend. You’ve read the rules and built both forces. But how do you go about taking your friends through their first game? Luckily Chris is on hand to showcase years of convention experience to get mucked in with your forces and start blowing things up on the table.

The Re-Enactors Are Getting In On The Action

The Re-Enactors Are Getting In On The Action10 Comments
dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

The Germans Show Off Their Gear


Lewis has brought in some German reinforcements to talk about their gear.

The guys go in depth from head to toe on the equipment their wearing. Carl is from the 21st Panzer Division in the Normandy Campaign and Nelson is in Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6 from the Battle of Carentan.

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Calm Before The Storm


The boot campers are starting to bring their forces to the tabletop for some demo games before the fray begins in earnest.

Gerry and Chris are floating from table to table taking people through the ruleset of Flames of War 4th Edition.

Calm Before The Storm
johnlyons Tank God Entries by this blogger

Catching Up With Some Of Our Last Minute Painters


John talks to those adding the finest of details to their army for the weekend.

Stopping off first with Bob, he is adding individual names to the sides of each of his tanks. And Martin gets a rude awakening of sorts as he finds out he only has about an hour before he needs to get his army ready…

Desperado Is Entering The Fray

Desperado Is Entering The Fray14 Comments
dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Warren Has A Warm Up Game With The Boot Campers


Warren gets to show off the castle table he lovingly crafted for the boot camp.

The castle table lends itself to so many cinematic moments when rolling armies across it. The combination of high walls, hedgerows and buildings creates a dynamic space which Warren and Rob have been exploring in their game so far.

ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Shots Fired Across The Tables!


Tanks crashing through walls. Four tank kills with four shots. And overkill of the weekend.

The demo games that folks are running have been packed with cinematic moments and impossible rolls. Some of these incredible feats are probably due a prize or two…

Shots Fired Across The Tables!
dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Taking A Closer Look At The Fury Box Set


Justin and Chris take a look at the Fury box set from Battlefront Miniatures.

Getting players stuck right into tank warfare the Fury box set is comprised of a Tiger tank, a StuG, an M10 and a couple of M4 Shermans for good measure. Just to make things even more accessible there are quick start booklets, terrain cards, unit cards and a set of dice so that players can set up a game quickly.

The Enemy Looming Large Across The Courtyard

The Enemy Looming Large Across The Courtyard14 Comments
dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

An Epic Clash Across Factory Floors Is the Weekends Finest Hour


Not content at waiting for the sherman tank to come out of hiding, our German player sent his tiger tank through two buildings to catch its prey.

An epic clash between two of our re-enactors has earned the finest hour achievement with both going home with a copy of Fury each. The back and forth took place amidst the ruin and rubble of factory floors and the streets surrounding them with the allied player coming out on top.

dignity Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Get A Great Start To Late War With The New Fortress Europe Book


Justin and John from Battlefront Miniatures sit down to chat about their new book: Fortress Europe.

Detailing each of the major factions in the late war period of World War 2 the book provides the historical context for where the Flames of War miniatures are situated as well as delivering a great transition for players of the mid-war period.

Give Buttercups A Chance

Give Buttercups A Chance13 Comments
ludicryan Live Blogger Entries by this blogger

Gerry Goes Trigger Happy With the Overkill Prize


At the same time as the finest hour achievement was being awarded, something spectacular was happening on another table…

Gerry fills us in on a ridiculous moment where Alex managed to get four tank kills with four shots. This prompted an instant retaliation on a poor infantry unit from Dave who unloaded every weapon he had on it. Both were rewarded with a prize from the lucky dip basket generously provided by Battlefront Miniatures.

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Cult of Games Member

I’m curious if the FoW stuff is a permenant addition to the store, or just a bootcamp weekend thing. Are you finally getting non-GW stock?

Cult of Games Member

Good question!


I wish there was a place like this close to where I live. You guys rock


Since version 4 has come out Battlefront has really put out some great stuff. The Boot Camp stuff has been great. Thanks

Cult of Games Member

Fantastic the weekend has begun… Hope to see a video from the tables overview.. they are looking fabulous.. Have fun guys and i will follow it from behind the pc 🙂


All the stronk Soviet armour.


Can’t wait to see those armies on the table! Especially on the city table

Cult of Games Member

Bring it on!

Going to be doing a bit of Panzer Leader with@oriskany and @damon today as we were all unable to make it this time.

We’ll all be tuning in to keep up with everything that’s going on today.

Cult of Games Member

All too true, @brucelea . 😀 We’ll be recreating the landings on Gold Beach (“Jig” sector) with 1st Hampshires and 1st Dorsets, Sherwood Rangers (DD Shermans), 82nd Assault Squadron Royal Engineers, Sherman “Crabs” of the Westminster Dragoons, 2nd Devonshire in the second wave along with 47th Royal Marine Commandos. They’ll be resisted by elements of 1) Grenadier Rgt 916 / 352 Infantry Division (backed up by 352’s Artillery) 2) Ost Battalion 441, Inf Regiment 726, 716th Static Infantry Division (+ elements 1,716th Arty Rgt). Also keeping up with the gamers, hobbyists and especially reenactors at the Boot Camp! Awesome… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

The weather is poo today, so I won’t be forced to do outside stuff. Roll on the Boot Camp.


What camo pattern with Warren paint on his tanks?

Cult of Games Member

I love that city table.
I have to get my brother to print out a load of buildings for me.
Would be great to play on it.


Those tables are awesome.


Looking forward to see a few battle reports! Always someting to learn!


What changed in FoW? I have not played in awhile…


Can you guys give us a few example builds for LW armies for us people who still don;t have Fortress Europe?


Are the game rules divided by timeline? This content seems geared specifically towards Late War, is that dictated by the rulebook or jus the American presence and the theming of the starters on DDay?

Cult of Games Member

There are early and late war rulebooks.


Wish i could get others to play Flames of War at my local club. I really wanna do a British Rifle Company with all those lovely toys (WASP anyone?).


Can’t wait to see the battle reports!

Cult of Games Member

Hope everyone is having fun


So much great content so far today.


Great tables, great battles.


Ugh. Still can’t decide. Flames of war OR Bolt action.

Cult of Games Member

Any chance seeing a “demo” game of FOW4? Watching Warren take on Justin in Normandy would be a blast???


can’t wait to see the game on the big table.


I’m waiting to see what other bundles will be coming in the near future. Some of the older stuff had some huge box sets.


Loving the live blog today, loads of interesting content.