Dropfleet Commander Boot Camp – Saturday
We're now getting stuck into some more gaming for Dropfleet Commander at the Boot Camp this weekend. Hawk Wargames have some neat ways for folks to get stuck into the game and we'll be following along as the Boot Campers learn the tactics and techniques needed to survive.
Comment To Win Awesome Goodies This Weekend!
It will be interesting to see how these first battles play out as we look at some simple scenarios and learn the rules. Of course, there's much more to come too so keep an eye on things as they develop throughout the day.
Special Thanks To
Hawk Wargames - Deep-Cut Studio - The Army Painter
What has been your highlight from the weekend so far?
Blogging At This Event:
Dave Teaches The Basics
Dave is joined by Darren to take people through the basics of Dropfleet Commander. He'll be talking movement, shooting, as well as a few of the neat twists which make the game an exciting tabletop prospect.
Standby for a full video in a little while!
Cinematic Battles In Orbit
One of the things we've heard from all of the folks here at the Boot Camp is how cinematic the games are feeling right now with ships exploding left, right and centre, and guns blasting through armour as bits of ship float off into space.
The game really does come to life through its mechanics and it seems like everyone is having bouts of both good and bad luck!
Justin Gets Some Paint Onto His PHR Fleet
Justin sits down with suetoniuspaulinus from the community to paint up his PHR fleet and get some additional colour onto these ships before getting in a game or two.
If you have any tips for Justin or indeed thoughts on how you'd paint your own fleet get them in the comments below.
Catching Up With Richard - First Game Thoughts (UCM)
We step in and chat with Richard about how things are going with his first game using UCM.
Interestingly, this features a bit of a training exercise/blue-on-blue battling as his opponent is also using UCM!
Catching Up With Adam - First Game Thoughts (Shaltari)
We're now finding out how Adam is doing in his game using the Shaltari. It seems like the Space Hedgehogs are doing well!
Will they be able to survive the attack from the UCM? We find out as Ben tries to blast Adam's stuff out of the sky with a burn through laser!
Catching Up With Michael - First Game Thoughts (PHR)
We see if Michael's tactics have managed to carry over into the first day of gaming and his initial match-up against Rob's Scourge.
Does running away count as a tactical choice?
Catching Up With Nate - First Game Thoughts (Scourge)
We find out how things are going for Nate now that his beautiful space aliens have taken to the battlefield.
Things might not be turning out so well but maybe something will explode...maybe? Quick, fudge it!
Spot Prizes - Space Station Explosion
We have our first Spot Prize which includes a Space Station Explosion!
Talking Drop Beasts With Rob, Chris & Rasmus!
Drop Beasts is our epic team of Admirals who are playing in competitions for both Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander at Hawk Wargames’ tournaments and further abroad too.
If you’re interested in getting involved message commodorerob with your details and maybe you’ll get a rather epic t-shirt too!
Checking Out The Dropfleet Dashboard From Dark Ops
We take a look at the awesome Dashboard that Dark Ops has put together for use with Dropfleet Commander condensing everything from the tabletop into one place.
Look out for them towards the beginning of next year and we're going to test out the prototype today!
This does make viewing your fleet a little easier and allows you to use clear bases to see the tabletop beneath, especially when it's a nice Deep-Cut Studio mat!
Talking Dark Op’s Dropfleet Dashboard With Tanya
We see how Tanya has been getting on with the Dark Op's Dashboard. It was a bit of a fiddle getting all the things ready but when they're done they look awesome!
The bases do look very nice as does the painted dashboard!
[Update] Tweaking The Dropfleet Boot Camp 1500 Point Game
We jump back to Dave and the guys as they tweak a few things from the 1500 Point Game to make it a little fairer.
We WILL be back with this game to see how its going now things are a few turns in.
Spot Prize Time – Blasting Battleships
We're checking out how the game is going between Adam and John where it looks like the Shaltari might have set themselves up for an explosive finale BUT they managed to take down a battleship in the process.
Woot, blasting things means goodies!
Battle Stations!
Folks are getting into the swing of things and it looks like there might already be a few blasts to repair on the massive space station floating in the middle of the table.
We'll have an update for you soon from Commander Justin!
Late Night Games...
The games continue and more things explode. We've got some neat stuff to get into soon as we look towards a bit of ramming but in the mean time take in the games.
It truly does look awesome when you see the ships battling it out over these mats.
Ramming Speed!
We find out how this ramming attempt has turned out as we look at the game between the PHR and the Scourge.
There's plenty of fire and shredded metal as the ships tear apart in space.
The Space Station Has Fallen!
It's time for things to go 'mega boom' as the Space Station is finally taken down and things fall apart in this mega game.
Cad walks away with the big new Starter Fleet for himself and another participant walks two launch asset packs!
Yay! It’s the start of Saturday’s blogging!
lets get started
Can’t wait to see what you guys get up to. My mates will be at mine in an hour to start some dropfleet gaming for ourselves
Bombs Away!!!!!! or should that be microwaves??? doesn’t sound right?
I should have driven up to Coleraine and banged pots and pans loudly from 06:00 and screamed ‘The Scourge are coming!’
Drink and snacks sorted, let’s begin.
Another contest? You are truly beasts. The creators are very generous. Good luck with the contest.
Any chance of some hawk painting guides?
Now it gets serious. Learning to play… allways the fun part of a game 🙂
Hey hardsleepers! was a long night at the pub?
good luck.
Here we go again!
Phew. Let’s start again
not sure if its resolved or not but I thought I give it a push just in case its not:
@junebunny1 asked:
Please tell Ras he needs to call my mobile phone.
Another great weekend of gaming ahead!
So what other game would people compare this too?
It shares a lot with other large space fleet games such as StarWars Armada and GW BattleField Gothic. The difference being the orbital nature of the game and the objective taking.
But it is also very different.
The fact that you don’t have fixed ranges for weapons do change the game a lot, compared to BFG.
So this do have some elements of Submarine games/sims… since your actions do have a huge impact on how close the enemy need to be able to target you.
Loving the look for the entire game 😀 . I don’t know what fleet i would go with, they all look so good.
Looks like a combination of Leviathan and Battlefleet Gothic.
Let battles commence… Shortly!
Still getting my head around force organisation to sort out which variants to build.. Groups/tonnage groups then battlegroups.
E.g. If a Cruiser is G:1-2, do those two cruisers have to share the same class or just the same tonnage group?
Nice to see this game played! I’m still patiently waiting for my pledge-rewards.
Have fun guys!
And onwards!
It’s awesome being in the US. I watched Friday’s blog yesterday and was sad that I’d have to wait for today’s, but no! 6 hrs ahead in the UK.
The yellow ship going across the screen had me laughing so hard..
look like i better post my wip went my late backer ks ship
I think Justin’s banana is pretty ! Have a great day guys.
Curse my bank account! Why do I have no money then a bootcamp is announced? It looks so much fun. I am determined to get to a bootcamp with my wife (and I will apologise in advance for the poor sods who play against her… She can be soooo vicious in wargaming). Hope all have a great weekend (by the looks of it, Im sure you all will). 🙂