AdeptiCon 2019 Live Blog – Part Two
Come and join Dawn, Gianna and the gang over in the states as they get stuck into AdeptiCon 2019 in Schaumburg, IL.
You'll be able to get involved throughout the four days of the show which runs from March 27th - 31st. As always, the gang will be talking to vendors and tournament organisers, exploring the variety of amazing tables on display and of course checking out all the things that cause shiny syndrome.
Make sure to let the team know what you want to know about in the comments!
Blogging At This Event:
A Nice Showing For Bushido
There’s a really nice showing for Bushido at the convention. There’s just something about the aesthetic of this game that commands attention.
Talking Army Girls
Dawn talks with Craig from G3 to talk about his new game Army Girls.
Talking 'NAM but in a Weird Way With Crucible Crush's Black Sun
“G” talks with Bob Murch about his new game Black Sun set in the Vietnam Era.
A Little Rock Music Video Featuring 40K and Age of Sigmar Gaming Areas
How Fast Are You Really? Taking a Look At Gunfighter's Ball
Todd talks with Forrest from Knuckleduster Miniatures about his latest game Gunfighter’s Ball. Are you ready pardn’r
A Little Weird World War With DUST 1947
There’s nothing more fun to watch than the organized play scene from DUST 1947. It’s no pressure, low stress and genuinely FUN. I like to see folks helping each other out when someone forgets a bonus. 🙂
Talking Cruel Seas and Bolt Action
Todd talks with Jon from Warlord about Cruel Seas and Bolt Action and other offerings from Warlord Games.
More Armies On Display!
It was almost hard to know where to look when checking out the displays last night. The longer you looked at one, the more detail you’d see.
Some Fantastic MDF Kits From Lasercraft Workshop
Lasercraft Workshop has terrain for every setting. I’m always drawn to the Victorian pieces, but this year, Gianna & Todd were all about the Satellite dish!
Miniature Building Authority Talks Terrain
Dawn gets a chance to talk to Kirk about Miniature Building Authorities terrain.
A Glimpse Into The Saga Grand Melee
There was plenty of viking raids happening in the Saga hall as the Saga Grand Melee got underway.
Still Treasures To See In The Crystal Brush Cases
Aren’t these lovely?
Do You Need Gaming Accessories? Of Course You Do, We All Do!
We catch up with Adam from Broken Egg Games and find out what kind of cool accessories they brought with them this year.
Todd stops by Footsore
Todd stops by the Footsore stand for a talk with Bill about the goodies they brought with them.
Just Look At The Minis From Victoria Miniatures
Each year Victoria Miniatures creates an Adepticon Exclusive miniature, and they’re always fantastic. This year’s was a female pilot and she was lovely. But their cases were full of lovely minis, so here’s a closer look.
Bringing 3D Printed Magic To Adepticon
Sam from Printable Scenery gives Todd the low down on their incredible 3D printable terrain.
Looking for a paint brush or two?
Looking for a set of paint brushes? Or other hobby items? Find out what Games and Gears has.
So Long From Adepticon 2019
Well, my friends that time has come. We hope you have enjoyed this journey and the story we have tried to tell. That is another Adepticon in the books. We will see you at the next con. Remember Salute is up next!
Yay manmanmanymany lots more videos
lots of great content,
Big thank you.