AdeptiCon 2019 Live Blog – Part Two
Come and join Dawn, Gianna and the gang over in the states as they get stuck into AdeptiCon 2019 in Schaumburg, IL.
You'll be able to get involved throughout the four days of the show which runs from March 27th - 31st. As always, the gang will be talking to vendors and tournament organisers, exploring the variety of amazing tables on display and of course checking out all the things that cause shiny syndrome.
Make sure to let the team know what you want to know about in the comments!
Blogging At This Event:
Welcome to Day 3 of Adepticon 2019. Are You Ready?
Welcome to day 3 of Adepticon 2019. Join the U.S. crew as they make their way through the busiest day of the con to bring you all of the excitement it has to offer.
Taking a Look at the Anvil 8 Games Stand
Dawn speaks with Brian from Anvil 8 about all their offerings at the show.
Talking Wander: Cult of Barnacle Bay and Shovel Knight with Panda Cult Games
Dawn talks with Jonathan and Heath the creators of Wander: Cult of Barnacle Bay and the upcoming Shovel Knight board game. We have been following them since the earliest days of Wander.
A Little Chicago Bootleggers From HMGS
One of the local gaming groups, HMGS, always runs some cool homebrew games around interesting themes. One of their games this year is Chicago Bootleggers, so it’s the golden age of prohibition and gangsters captured on the tabletop.
Star Wars Legion
We have some huge showdowns happening right now. So far everyone is still friendly but for how long?
What is Coming from Wyrd Game?
Dawn tries to get the scoop on the new edition of Malifaux coming out and other tidbits from Wyrd Games.
Improving Dry brushing you say? How so Artis Opus?
Dawn gets a look at some new brushes coming from Artis Opus and how they can change the way you do dry brushing.
"We Are Live With Mel the Terrain Tutor and Dave Taylor! Check the Adepticon Live Show!"
8 CommentsImperial Assault World Championship
So who’s better, Good guys or bad guys? I lean a little Imperial myself.
Warhammer 40K On The Table.
Some of the doubles tournament play in action
Look Who's Playing Dropfleet!
We found our very own Rasmus playing Dropfleet here at the convention. It’s great to see a familiar face. Incidentally, he finished 2nd in Dropzone Commander yesterday. 🙂
Talking with Para Bellum about Conquest
Dawn talks to Leo from Para Bellum about what is coming for Conquest.
"There's gamers everywhere today!"
5 CommentsTalking Sailing Ships and Pirates With Firelock Games.
Riley updates us on Firelock Games’ offerings.
Gaming Your Way At Adepticon
One of the best things about about Adepticon is the social aspect of gaming. Folks are here because they love gaming, love the hobby or both. Whether you’re a newer gamer or a gaming God, there’s something for everyone.
Yay manmanmanymany lots more videos
lots of great content,
Big thank you.