It's 12'x5'... it took the skilled hands of the artisans from Grand Manner months to craft... It's the epic Gallipoli table from Salute 2011.
Let's have a look at the historical miniatures from Empress Miniatures and see what they have that's new for Salute 2011. Don't forget to check out the pictures of the miniatures below the video.
You've seen Battlebuild's cracking terrain featured on our sci-fi trench board during Infinity week. Lloyd managed to track them down at Salute 2011 to find out whats new and exciting in the world of Battlebuild terrain.
Time for Adam to say good bye till the next time, we hope you enjoyed the coverage.
Adam Interviews Painter Sam Lenz
13 years ago 5Adam chats to one of the painter's Sam Lenz, who entered the crystal brush contest and get's an idea of how he got in to competition painting and what drives him to get better.
Instantmold from Cool Mini or Not
13 years ago 24Adam has a chat with Travis from Cool Mini or Not about Instamold. A cool little bar of stuff that will let you cast new bitz for your gaming table!
Super Dungeon Explore From Soda Pop Miniatures
13 years ago 4Adam gets to meet up with John from Soda Pop Miniatures, and gets the lowdown on there new dungeon game.
Adam gets a chat with Nathan Long and asks about what got him in to writing for black library and what he'll be working on next.
Flames of war (NAM) & Gale Force Nine
13 years ago 2Adam corners another poor defenceless games developer at Adepticon. This time it's Joe from Battlefront and Galeforce 9.
Privateer Press Battle Engines at Adepticon 2011
13 years ago 8Privateer Press chat about the new Battle Engines and the effect of MII for Warmachine.
Dan Abnett chats about Salvation’s Reach & Know No Fear
13 years ago 3Adam tracks down Dan Abnett at AdeptiCon and picks his brain.
Adam chats to Matthias Weeks an AdeptiCon Organiser
13 years ago 1Here's some interesting info. on how the event is pulled together and what they might do in the future.
Romeo from Battlefoam talks about new stuff!
13 years ago 12Mercs are getting a bag! About time we really like that range.
Adam has an interesting time with Shawn Gately from Blue Table Painting a pretty cool painting service and Shawn's a damn good dancer too!
Adam kicks off our AdeptiCon 2011 coverage with a short introduction.
If you're free on Sunday 29th January and you can get to Barnwood in Gloucestershire (England) then why not check out Mini-Con 2012?
If you’ve been missing BoW Adam then check out this short video with the main man himself from a tournament called Combat Patrol.
So Games Day is over for another year. Here is a quick run down of what was on offer on the day with my likes and dislikes. Have a read, view some of the pictures from the day then comment below with your personal thoughts on the massive event.
The GW crew side-swipe Roland from Bioware Mythic, who gives us a bit of background to the PvP version of Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes running at Games Day.
Phil Kelly is at Games Day today giving people a hands on look at Dreadfleet with loads of demo games.
Jeremy Vetock, developer of the new Ogre Kingdoms army book, has a chat with the GW team at Games Day 2011.
The guys from GW interview some of the Black Library authors at Games Day 2011.
Check out the grand opening of Games Day 2011...
Check out this Necron game that Ben discovered at Games Day... could it be a glimpse of the future Necron Codex?
So Games Day 2011 is in full swing and our man-on-the-inside, Ben has been tweeting and posting pics at the top of the homepage on our Beasts of War Live! system.
We will be getting down into the Games Workshop masses and live tweeting from the event this Sunday! If you can't be there make sure to check out our twitter feed at Beasts of War Live this weekend. If you are attending, don't forget to say hi!
Adam visits the Catalyst Game Labs booth to get some info on Leviathans: Monsters in the Sky.
Adam tracks down On The Lamb Games at gen con 2011 and has a look at some of their cool Brushfire models.
Exploring the Super Dungeon!
13 years ago 14An awesome look at the contents of Super Dungeon Explore with some amazing images snapped by Adam from Gen Con.
While at Gen Con Adam gets the chance to have a chat about a Hush-Hush project currently called 5 Houses and the first miniature looks bloody great!
Things Get Wyrd at Gen Con 2011
13 years ago 3Things get Wyrd at the Gen Con Wyrd Miniatures booth when Adam gets a chat with them about what’s new for Malifaux, Terraclips and the new Puppet Wars board game.
Adam’s Gen Con Update (Saturday) & Cardhalla
13 years ago 8100’s of people throwing coins at card towers… it can only be Cardhalla!
Privateer Press at Gen Con 2011
13 years ago 11Adam gets chatting to the Privateer Press guys about what’s new at Gen Con for Hordes, Warmachine, Voltron, Bodgers & their hush-hush project with Level 7.
Super Dungeon Explore & Relic Knights
13 years ago 13John from Soda Pop Miniatures updates us on the progress of Super Dungeon Explore & Relic Nights.
Gen Con Day 3… a slew of Board Games from FFG
13 years ago 2Fantasy Flight Games come out swinging on the third day of Gen Con with a closer look at their board games... Descent... Gears of War... Game of Thrones... Battles of Westeros... Elder Sign... and DUST Tactics. Phew... that's a lot of games!
Gen Con Day 2… more from Fantasy Flight Games!
13 years ago 5Day 2 and Anton is talking about the new novels from Fantasy Flight Games and The Game of Thrones Grand Melee. There's also some news on Blood Bowl Team manager... check it out!
Gen Con Day 1 with Fantasy Flight Games
13 years ago 1Check out what Fantasy Flight Games has been up to at Gen Con. This is their first video... hang on to your hats... there's more to come!
Anton from Fantasy Flight Games gives us the low-down on their upcoming Star Wars games Star Wars X-Wing and Star Wars The Card Game.
Time is ticking by and Gen Con Indy 2011 is fast approaching... will you be there? If you are, why not take some time to go to our Gen Con meet up?
We’re Live at Q-Con… part two
14 years ago 15We’ve got more results from the 40K tournament and some of the entries for the painting competition… but what do you think about the 6th edition 40K rumours?
We’re Live at Q-Con… part one
14 years ago 15The BoW team gets a chat with Jake Thornton about Dwarf Kings Hold: Green Menace and we get a look at a brand new game set in Discworld… Guards! Guards!
If you're in the UK or Ireland and you don't know about Q-Con... well... it's Northern Ireland's biggest gaming & anime convention! ... and Beasts of War are special guests!