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Enforcer Jetbikes Herald The Warpath Kickstarter Launch Soon


Mantic asked a rather rhetorical question over on social media about the rather fancy painted version of one of their Enforcer Jetbikes. "Do you want to see this in Warpath?"

The Enforcer Interceptor Becomes A Reality For Mantic’s Warpath


Mantic Games showed off the work that's going into their Enforcer Interceptor, a rather awesome looking flyer that we'll be seeing hit the tabletop alongside Warpath sooner (hopefully) rather than later. See what you think of it...

Mantic Get Creative With New Warpath Logo


A logo for a tabletop game is always important because it will usually be one of the most recognisable parts of the box when it sits on the shelf. With that in mind Mantic would love to know which one you like the best for Warpath.

Take A Sneaky Peek At The Asterian Troop Transport For Warpath


Mantic Games showed off a sketch of some more of what's to come for Warpath down the line. This time the vehicle in question is the Asterian Troop Transport which has a very Protos feel to it from StarCraft...

Mantic Games Show Concept Work For Forge Father Tanks In Warpath


Mantic Games have put together a few pieces of concept art showing off more of what's coming to Warpath. This time the focus swings to the Forge Fathers and some rather epic looking vehicles; the Forge Father Tank & APC...

Mantic Show Off The Veer-Myn Shredders For Deadzone Infestation


Mantic Games have shown off some more of the kits coming out from the Deadzone: Infestation Kickstarter. This time it's the hulking form of the Veer-Myn Shredders who will be blasting you apart...

Warpath 2.0 Rules FREE TO DOWNLOAD (with a FREE BoW Account)


Mantic Games talk through some of the changes you helped make possible with your support of Warpath 2.0 through the Backstage downloads last month! Come and check out the free download of the rules within.

Weekender: Ace Myth Minis, Prodos Head Sculpts & The 100th Episode!


After the insanity that was the Bolt Action Boot Camp we're back with The Weekender and it's 100th Episode of the show today!

Mantic Games Warpath 2 Alpha Rules Download & Exclusive Look At Enforcer Interceptor!


Backstagers can exclusively download the Mantic Games Warpath Alpha Rules alongside two Army Lists for you to try them out with for both the Enforcers and The Plague!

Mantic Games Hangout: Dungeon Saga, Kings Of War & Prizes!


We chatted with Ronnie Renton of Mantic Games and got to ask him questions about Kings of War, Dungeon Saga and maybe a little bit more on the Sci-Fi world of Warpath...

Book your Infinity Bootcamp Place, and Warpath 2 Alpha Access for Backstage!


Mantic’s Incredible Crazy Box Is Almost Gone!


Mantic's Crazy Box is just about gone for another year. This weekend is your last chance to grab one.

New Hard Plastic Enforcers Lock N’ Load For Mantic’s Deadzone


Check out a rather impressive new Enforcer hard plastic kit coming out of Mantic Games for Warpath and Deadzone. If you liked the look of the Enforcers before in all their heavy armour then the Support Booster should only heighten the shiny syndrome!

Mantic Brief You On Deadzone Snipers & Striders!


See what Mantic Games have to say on the background for the Corporation Enforcers and their Striders & Snipers!

Mantic Deliver More Fluff On Forge Fathers & Enforcers


Take a trip through the fluff of Warpath and Deadzone as Mantic Games talk about both the Enforcers and Forge Fathers for both of their games set in the far future.

Weekender: Ronnie Renton Talks Kings Of War & More!


On this episode of The Weekender we have one of our favourite guests, Ronnie Renton! He's dropped by to talk about the Kings of War Kickstarter, DreadBall, Dungeon Saga, Deadzone and even a little bit about Warpath for next year!

Mantic’s Dave Shows How To Kit Bash Plague Zombies!


Mantic Games' Dave sits down for some more Hobby Tips and this time around he is putting together some Plague Zombies and showing how easy it is to kit bash!

Mantic Hints Towards Upcoming Kickstarters And Others.


Mantic Games is hinting at upcoming projects. Are you as excited as I am about the possibilities?

BattleZones Terrain Challenge Extended Till January!


We've now decided that we're going to extend the BattleZones Terrain Challenge until the end of January 2015 giving you more time to work on your creations and pull in any of those Christmas presents and purchases to make it even better!

Hobby Lab: Easily Made Pallet Scenery!


In the grim dark future there are only old wooden pallets to protect you!

VLOG: Mantic’s Ronnie In The Studio To Talk About Upcoming Releases


Hi Backstagers here's a short update for you to let you know Ronnie Renton from Mantic has been in the studio to shoot a set of new videos all about a range of new releases coming soon and he's been […]

Mantic Games Build The Blasted Ruins Of The Far Future


See what you think of the Mantic Ruins Terrain coming very soon to a tabletop near you. Deadzone players are going to be loving this. We also might have some sneaky plans for the future with this stuff!

Mantic’s Future Plans Revealed By Ronnie Renton!


Ronnie is spilling a whole bunch of beans in this second exclusive video we did with him behind closed doors at AdeptiCon!

Mantic’s Deadzone Hitting Stores In November!


Deadzone is coming sooner rather than later! You will be able to get your hands on the game at the end of November.

Mantic Games Update the Peacekeepers of Deadzone


A while back Mantic showed off some WIPs for the Peacekeepers of Deadzone. Well they have taken feedback on board and havebrought out a new set of WIPs for you to check out.

Deadzone: To Beard Or Not To Beard? That Is The Question!


Check out the new Brokkr for Deadzone and Warpath. But there is a question to be answered. Should they have beards or not?!

BoW Road Trip: The Mantic Games Open Day


As you'll all have seen on the last Weekender Justin and Mike were sent up to the Mantic Games Open Day in Nottingham, England. While there they broke out the camera to give everyone who couldn't make it a good look at what happens when the Mantic crew open the doors to the gaming public!

Mantic’s Deadzone Unlocks More & More Cool Stuff!


Check out new concept art, renders and of course the gorgeous looking Sci-Fi terrain that is making up the different pledge levels and stretch goals of Mantic's Deadzone Kickstarter.

Mantic Games Show Off DeadZone At Salute 2013


Take a look at some of the images we (and others) grabbed from Salute 2013 for the upcoming Sci-Fi game by Mantic, DeadZone.

Is DeadZone The Next Stop For Mantic’s Warpath?


Check out this cover art for what appears to be a new game set in the Warpath universe by Mantic Games. Has this got you excited?

A New Hero Leads the Forge Father Thorgarim to Battle


Its hammer time over at Mantic as a new Forge Father hero is up for pre-order.

Mantic Games Make It Forge Father February in Warpath!


The Forge Fathers are arming themselves for a great conflict and that means heavy weapons, heat hammers and more!

The Forge Fathers Lay Down Some Withering Firepower


Check out this awesome new option for the Forge Father's Iron Ancestor...

The Zombie Apokalypse Takes Over Mantic This January


Well it turns out the Mayans were just off by a little and the end of the world is coming, for Mantic's Warpath is becoming overtaken by the Zombie Apokalypse!

Mantic Games Sends Out An Emergency Transmission


Check out this peek into the future of Warpath with Mantic Games...

Warpath Enforcers Starter Army from Mantic Unboxed


Mantic have brought out their big guns with the Corporation Enforcers, new for Warpath 2.0.

Pick Your One Player Battleset & Go On The Warpath


Warpath gets their One Player Sets from Mantic Games! Check them out, each with about thirty miniatures in a box...

New Mantic Podcast: The One About The Future Is Live!


Warpath Podcast you say? Download it and give it a listen over your lunch break...

Forge Father Sneak Peeks for Warpath 2.0 Week


Warpath 2.0 Week starts off with a look at the Forge Fathers!

Mantic’s Warpath 2.0 is Coming This Friday


Warpath is getting a whole new version of the rules this Friday. Keep checking out the Mantic Blog and here for more!

Zombie Marines Invade Mantic this Halloween


The Z-Corp comes out to eat your brains this Halloween with Mantic Games.

Start Your Enforcer Army Now with Mantic Games


Warpath welcomes the Enforcers. Check out the whole range now from Mantic Games.

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