Those cheap Inquisitors seem to be very popular as HQ choices at the moment... but what do the guys think of a list based on the silver-clad saviours of the Imperium.
Live Rounds: The Armies, Have Your Say!
13 years ago 25Andy and Darrell reveal their initial thoughts on the army lists they will play on this Friday's Live Rounds show.
2000 point list using the Stormraven skimmer!
The Guys talk about what sort of Blood Angel army.
The guys look over another themed Army List, Based on deep striking.
Warren and Darrell talk over a Dreadnought themed list for Blood Angels
Warren and Darrell talk over a Death Company Themed 2000pt List
Warren and Darrell roll out another themed army
Andy & Darrell discuss a 35pt Victoria Haley list from BoW regular Dais... this guy is good... will he live up to his reputation.
Declan has submitted another Warmachine list for us to peruse... what will the guys think of his new Khador army?
Dac Farran has sent in a cool 35pt Cygnar army list... but what will the guys think of it?
Darrell and Andy take a look at the choices you could make when expanding your Warmachine collection... today they take a look at the Protectorate of Menoth faction.
Andy & Darrell take a look at some of the choices you have for expanding your 2-player Warmachine Starter Set... today they take a look at Khador.
Forum regular and friend of the show, Tinracer throws his hat into the Enlisted ring with a 2400pt army list for the new Vampire Counts... will it be too fluffy for Darrell?
Andy & Darrell take a look at nighthawknm's undefeated 2000pts Necron list.
We've been sent this Chaos Space Marine Army list... let's see what Darrell & Andy think of it.
Using the new Earth & Steel book from Flames of War, Karl goes through a 1750pt army list for the Axis powers.
Using the new Turning the Tide book from Flames of War, Karl goes through a 1750pt army list for the allies.
Lloyd makes an appearance
John shocks Darrell
Once again Warren talks Tyranid
Darrell gets in to the zone with a heavy metal Necron Spearhead list
Spearhead list for Space Marines
Warren and Darrell have a throw at building a Beastmen Army
Warren's 'Beat Darrell Challenge' List
Nid Week - COMMUNITY CHALLENGE: Beat Darrell
The guys create a troop heavy army for the Tyranids
The guys show off another crazy themed army list
The Guys cover their dream genestealer themed list, what do you think?
The Lads talk about the updated Bugs of War army list