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Eviscerate, Execute and Crush with Dark Hammer’s Latest Minis


Three disturbing, demonic models have been released from Dark Hammer, each with a name that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about them.

Definitely Fear Dark Hammer’s Reaper


The Reaper comes to take us all in our time and if he looks anything like the Soul Reaper from Dark Hammer Miniatures then I don't want to die!

Dark Hammer’s Asian Undead Rise from IndieGoGo


Dark Hammer Miniatures are seeking to bring the Japanese style undead of their Undead Regiment to lurching life with the help of the mystical powers of IndieGoGo.

“Blood, Darkness, I Need More Souls!” Say Dark Hammer!


Bring on the reaper of souls thanks to Dark Hammer Miniatures. This mighty warrior from the nether realm should be an awesome addition to their Oriental collection.

Land An Epic Punch With Dark Hammer’s Monk


Dark Hammer have released the deadly Monk with Thousand Hands. Now this is another epic miniature from a company that is constantly surprising us!

Feel Your Bloodlust Rise as Dark Hammer Release Their Tyrant

11 years ago 7

A ruler of the underworld has risen and will be stepping out of Dark Hammer Miniatures' webstore and on to our tabletops. Cower before the Bloodlust Tyrant!

Dark Hammer Concept Their Long Dead Lightfoot Regiment


What do you make of these new pieces of concept art from Dark Hammer Miniatures?

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