Cold Winter Winds Blow With New Dark Age Ice Caste Releases

November 21, 2017 by brennon

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Some new releases are coming your way for November thanks to the guys behind Dark Age. This time their focus is on the Ice Caste and the Dragyri.

Dragyri Ice Caste Starter Box

One of the core products is their Faction Starter for the force which comes with some utterly astounding looking miniatures. I love the difference in the scales between some of those mighty warriors and the diminutive spear slaves.

Some other core troops are also going to be thrown into the mix for you to expand your force with including the likes of the Frostbite Unit.

Dragyri Ice Caste Frostbite Unit Box

Some more specialised units are also coming to life as well. Whilst I love the martial look of the Ice Caste with their heavy armour and hefty looking weapons I also like their Fantasy-esque creatures too like the Hail Kun Unit which looks like Tyranids mixed with icicles.

Dragyri Ice Caste Hail Kun Unit Box

The look is superb and it works really well with the concept of shards of ice. These fragments of living ice live only to bring an icy death upon those who stand before them. The same could be said for their titanic looking Ice Elemental.

Dragyri Ice Caste Ice Elemental Box

It would be exceptionally fun to paint this and try out some techniques with washes and shading as well as a generous dose of highlighting to bring out those plates of ice.

There are plenty more of the Ice Caste to check out and you can head over to their blog HERE where you can see them for yourself.

Air Caste

As well as the frigid Ice Caste we also have a release for the Air Caste with the Tempest.

Dragyri Air Caste - Tempest Unit Box

I like the dancing nature of the sculpts we see from the Air Caste which helps build on the theme of the force. As they say in their description these lady warriors fight hard and play hard. I wouldn't want to annoy them that's for sure!

New Faction

In addition to the new models, there's news of a new faction on the horizon as well, The Brute Court of Freeton.

The Brute Court of Freeton

This art shows off their domain and some of the characters that you might expect to see as part of this force going forward. It looks rather awesome and post-apocalyptic.

Will you be picking up more Dark Age?

"In addition to the new models, there's news of a new faction on the horizon as well, The Brute Court of Freeton..."

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