Crucible Crush
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Crucible Crush's Flint And Feather gets a new expansion that builds on their 28mm battles in North America between the various First Nations warriors. Now, the Europeans are getting added into the mix with a new book called Contact.
Champlain's French have been added into the mix for Flint & Feather from Crucible Crush over the last month or so. You now have access to a bunch of new French and English miniatures in 28mm to use as part of this skirmish game set against the backdrop of dark forest and frontiers in North America.
It's OTTWeekender Time! We have a look at some epic 15mm minis that Lloyd swears look 28mm! This Indie team might just be what you need for your new Historical army!
Bob Murch of Crucible Crush is now on Kickstarter with their Dark Age Anglo-Saxon and Norman Kickstarter focused around the events of 1066. You are able to snap up two full 28mm armies of metal miniatures for use in the struggle for control of England.
Spectre Miniatures: If Call Of Duty Had Minis?! + WIN Warhammer Underworlds #OTTWeekender
4 years ago 64It's OTTWeekender Time! We get a look at Spectre Miniatures. It's as if Call Of Duty had minis! If you're into Modern Warfare you'll want to check this out.
Bob Murch of Crucible Crush and Pulp Figures is working towards bringing an extensive range of Dark Age miniatures to the tabletop.
Crucible Crush has been working on some new miniatures for their Black Sun range which brings the weird to the Vietnam War.
Crucible Crush is going to be livestreaming a game of Cthulu 1968: Black Sun this weekend.
The team at Crucible Crush are getting stuck into their revamped Kickstarter campaign for Cthulhu 1968: Black Sun
We close out this series of articles on Black Sun by Crucible Crush with a look at what has changed with the revamped Kickstarter project.
Introduction To Black Sun: Part Three – The Rules
6 years ago 2Crucible Crush is going to be relaunching into the world of Black Sun soon on Kickstarter and talk more about the rules in a new article!
Lee of Crucible Crush returns for the second part of his articles series introducing us to the world of Black Sun, which is currently on Kickstarter.
Lee from Crucible Crush Games introduces us to the world of Black Sun, their new game based in a Vietnam War gone weird.
Lee from Crucible Crush talks more about Flint & Feather, delving into the mystical side of the game on the tabletop.
We finish off a look at the narrative campaign structure included in Flint & Feather by Crucible Crush before heading on to look towards the mystical side of things soon!
Sam sits down with Lee to find out the history and future of Crucible Crush as well as the game Flint & Feather.
Lee VanSchaik is back with part three of his Flint & Feather series looking at more of the key concepts that you'll encounter as part of a campaign.
Lee VanSchaik takes a closer look at how a campaign plays out in Flint And Feather, exploring the various phases which help tell a story within the game.
Crucible Crush have released a Quick Play Rules demonstration video to help you get started playing their new game Flint and Feather.
Lee VanSchaik takes us through how you go about setting up a narrative campaign for Flint & Feather and why you should be taking a closer look at this game.
Crucible Crush has now made available all of the Flint & Feather range for you to get stuck into.
The Flint & Feathers Kickstarter is closing in on its final few hours from Crucible Crush - do you like Native American tribal warfare?
Longing for some old school, sci fi pulpy goodness? Then check out the Star Crush Starship Miniatures Production Kickstarter from Crucible Crush with two different starships sure to strike a nostalgic note.