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This Week On Kickstarter…

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Blogging At This Event:

Euphoria: Ghost

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Euphoria is a game designed to be fast paced and highly dynamic. Each team is made up from 4 to 6 miniatures according to the objects and characters chosen. Each game has approximately an hour duration. Combat, Shooting, Special Abilities and tons of strategy are the main elements of this intense game that surely will not leave you cold. The game's storyline takes us to the year 2073, where world peace has already been achieved, all countries have disarmed themselves in favour of a quiet coexistence among civilizations, religions have agreed to mutual respect and due to great technological progress famine is no more. Worldwide stability has been obtained. Euphoria is a popular TV show in which two teams fight to death to get through to the contest's next stage, where only one contestant can win the big prize.

Euphoria: Ghost

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And no link to KS from Euphoria??


Runequest, damn that takes me back

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